Classymonica's new pics

I saw that Monica has posted two new photos on her showcase. The one she uses as her profile photo is SPECTACULAR! It's in black and white, and the way her hair frames her eyes reminds me of Sally Kellerman in her MASH-days gorgeousness.

Fantastic photos, Monica!
I'm lazy and don't want to hunt her down. Save us the trouble & post some of her pics, Slingerland.
Edit: changed my mind.... I still like you Ginger, even though you've gotten lazy!

Here you go.
DallasRain's Avatar
wow HOT!!!
Nice looking lady and sweet to boot!
splitlog's Avatar
I saw that Monica has posted two new photos on her showcase. The one she uses as her profile photo is SPECTACULAR! It's in black and white, and the way her hair frames her eyes reminds me of Sally Kellerman in her MASH-days gorgeousness.

Fantastic photos, Monica! Originally Posted by Slingerland

She does look like HOT LIPS off of Mash.
wow. Just hang a coat hanger on the
Edit: changed my mind.... I still like you Ginger, even though you've gotten lazy!

Here you go. Originally Posted by Slingerland
I'm selectively lazy. I save all of my energy for hot, steamy sex.

Wow! Monica really does look like the chick from Mash!!

She's a sweetheart, too.
#SarahLynn's Avatar
have to agree great we pics !!!