Vetrans please educate me

golfertexas's Avatar
I am not a rookie but not a veteran i have a 4 hour window of opportunity from time to time i have a wife and a job i contact providers at night for the next day and they will respond at 2:30 that day and seemed to be be pissed if i have already scheduled like i am a no show i put out PM's and they respond to them but i need to know now whats up ? I know we are all busy but how do you handle if you are a available for tomorrow and you send out 4 p411 request and no responses until the day after and then they seem to be pissed at you what do you do ?
Tell them to respond by a certain time, to confirm.
pyramider's Avatar
You must also remember most of the ladies are not 24/7. They have regular business hours, if you send a request after those hours they would not see them until the next day, or two days.
rcinokc's Avatar
Also remember that TCB skills vary wildly from girl to girl.
Hercules's Avatar
Next day appointments are usually good for ladies you've already seen. That way there is no rush to screen you and also prepare. They will also have your email/phone "tagged". If you know for certain more then a day out about one of these 4hr windows then book. Or burn vacation time and sneak off. Key is to establish yourself with one or more gals.

Good luck!
Chevalier's Avatar
seemed to be be pissed if i have already scheduled like i am a no show . . . . and then they seem to be pissed at you what do you do ? Originally Posted by golfertexas
I suspect it's not entirely that you send the request when they're not going to get it for awhile (unless you make it sound like you expect an immediate response at 2:30 in the morning).

Rather than a "no show," they may be thinking of this as functionally equivalent to "double booking." That is, A suspects you already booked with B but were trying to book with A too, as a backup plan just in case B flaked. And then would cancel if B didn't flake. Or that you booked with B a week ago but you are contacting A at the last minute because B cancelled -- that is, A was a back-up plan.

You can try to avoid that by making clear that with a short notice window of opportunity you have to contact several and then book with the first who responds. Otherwise, if you wait to contact X until you hear back from Z that she's not available, the odds are too high you won't be able to see anyone. So you make clear when contacting that she's not the only one you're contacting, why you're doing it that way, and (at least by implication) that the first to respond wins. Then when you do book with someone, let the others know immediately that you've made other arrangements.

Some will accept that and consider it reasonable. But there will be some who will still be offended. They don't want to be part of a "casting call" and just one of your options. They want to be THE ONE you're interested in seeing -- not ever, but at least on that day. They don't want to be considered freely interchangeable any more than some hobbyists like being a fungible wallet. (And, if they suspect you booked a week ago but that lady jus cancelled, they don't like being your "second choice.")

There may not be a lot that fit into that category, at least until they've established a relationship with you, but there are some. I've encountered at least one and was chastised (politely) accordingly. It's entirely their right to take that attitude. About all you can do is respect their position and never contact them -- unless you have more advance notice so that you can contact only her until she has plenty of time to respond.

You mentioned P411, which allows us to screen you in about 15 seconds, so I don't see a problem with your method.

There's nothing wrong with asking a new lady for a next-day appointment or even same-day appointment.

Just be clear in your communication, as others have said. Something like: "I just found out I'll have time for a session tomorrow between noon and 4:00. Are you available for an hour during that time frame? (I need to know by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, so hopefully you're checking email early in the day.)"

Many of us check emails first thing in the morning before getting on with our day. Some may walk the dog, have coffee, take the kids to school, then check emails before going to the gym, but even then I'd think you'd hear back by 9:00 from the ladies who keep mainstream hours.

Others may be sleeping till noon and then wading through various emails and texts before getting to yours at 2:30.

You just need to try a few more ladies, maybe focusing on the ones who advertise availability during the day such as "Available 9:00 to 6:00 weekdays" rather than "Available 24/7. "

There are so many ladies to choose from, I'd suggest you not try the 2:30-reponders again and just move on to others. She has her method of doing things and you have yours, so why butt heads trying to train each other to another method?