Managed Provider vs. Independent Provider

Curious, What are your thoughts?
Either, who gives a fuck Originally Posted by Das Ficker
Your money, I don't give a fuck. My money, I want to be with an independent provider.
Your money, I don't give a fuck. My money, I want to be with an independent provider. Originally Posted by Baconman
I do agree.

If he wants to devalue their actual worth, more power to him. I guess some are just enthralled with the management idea and worship them. The smarter providers are trading off management for a personal Web Page. I'm happy that 100% my money goes towards their benefit, not a 3rd party. I don't understand someone would pay a "tax" when they don't have to.

Never ending discussion on here. I came here originally to make informed decisions on my choices. If there is management here (not saying there is, not saying there isn't), I'd rather have better transparency/honesty so I could make smart decisions. I'd ask the same for us clients too in the reviews.

I'll sit back and watch it play out then wait for the rinse and repeat, don't see anything changing. Frustrating, really.
I find it crazy that a provider can't manage herself. The thought of some bum taking from me because I'm a dumb ass isn't a good look on me. NOW some women need the encouragement or whatever, just makes me wonder are you here by choice? FOR ME I ENJOY the art of passion so I dont need a cheerleader or managment I am my own boss DONT NEED A SHADOW. PLUS you cant tell on yourself.
Thank you Oz and Isabella for your comments. I agree 100%.
Tx Guy's Avatar
Id be all for a cathouse,go in pick youre choice and move on..
cluefinder's Avatar
In a perfect world all women would be independent. Some managed and independent providers tend to be a lil reserved. Session seems routine, scripted and boring. Perhaps chemistry. I am basically looking for a provider that loves to "back dat ass up"!
Thank you Oz and Isabella for your comments. I agree 100%. Originally Posted by Baconman
+1. It’s sad and disheartening to me that so many women are taken advantage of and abused by these predators, when they could be utilizing their own profits to build a life and a future for themselves. I personally don’t understand the appeal... what inspires them to sign up to begin with, and what keeps them there. There are substantial personal sacrifices that come with being a provider. Why make those sacrifices for the financial gain of a parasite? It’s baffling.

It’s good to see that many clients shop with a conscience and do care where their money goes. Enabling managers to take advantage of these ladies by patronizing their business makes the client to blame as much as the pimps themselves. Pimps wouldn’t be able to succeed in the hobby if they didn’t have a receptive audience.
Totally agree shop safety
Leeches are only good for fishing.
Id be all for a cathouse,go in pick youre choice and move on.. Originally Posted by Tx Guy

It would be managed and someone would bitch about it.
I do agree.

If he wants to devalue their actual worth, more power to him. I guess some are just enthralled with the management idea and worship them. The smarter providers are trading off management for a personal Web Page. I'm happy that 100% my money goes towards their benefit, not a 3rd party. I don't understand someone would pay a "tax" when they don't have to.

Never ending discussion on here. I came here originally to make informed decisions on my choices. If there is management here (not saying there is, not saying there isn't), I'd rather have better transparency/honesty so I could make smart decisions. I'd ask the same for us clients too in the reviews.

I'll sit back and watch it play out then wait for the rinse and repeat, don't see anything changing. Frustrating, really. Originally Posted by m.x.oz
Who's worth is being devalued?
Some people can work independently and others can't. There will always be governors and the governed.
Slinging ass is a trade. Always has been.

Wonder who makes more gross money? Managed or Indy?
austin88998833's Avatar
Who's worth is being devalued?
Some people can work independently and others can't. There will always be governors and the governed.
Slinging ass is a trade. Always has been.

Wonder who makes more gross money? Managed or Indy? Originally Posted by Das Ficker
What the hell difference does it make that the gross is more if the lady’s net is less??? By your supposition they are going to work more thereby grossing more but they will net less. They ALWAYS net less. Who the hell wants to bust their ass harder to make less net? And who says they are going to necessarily be “slinging more ass” just because some hard leg is managing her calls for her? Any lady with half a brain can do that for herself.

And the ones that need to be managed or “governed”, I don’t want to see them. I don’t mean the ones that ARE managed, but the ones that ACTUALLY NEED it. I’ve seen a couple of those and although they weren’t managed to my knowledge, Lord knows they needed it! And those one or two were my worst experiences in the hobby! I almost want to vomit thinking about it!
splitlog's Avatar
Knew a girl that tried and tried to on her own and just couldn’t. Not waking up. Not reply to text. On and on. Of course she couldn’t have a real job either. Young lazy that happens to be HOT. Rather drink game and sleep. She got someone to Manager her and bam she was dependable and started getting great reviews etc....
still doing great. Tried one more time on her own and failed again.
I hate it too. But some need guidance Manager or what you want to call it. The guys that do this. Yep slugs but someone’s gotta do it. Wish the 20 year old knockout could do it on their own but lack any drive.