candy bar

ok here goes....(and dont crack on me about the spelling ,,u can figure it out .)

Early afternoon a 9 year old boy sat with a bag of candy bars...on a bench alone ....eating one after the other ..A man sitting alone on the same bench ,could not help but take notice .,,after the boy finished his 5th candy bar and was peeling the wrapper off of a 6th,the man spoke out ..".'hey, dont u know how bad that is for your health ,the sugar will rot your teeth ,, and son and they have tons of fat calories can destroy your health ?"
The boy sits a second and responds
""my grandpa lived to be 103! ""
Man ask, "did he eat candy bars like that,too, one after the other?
boy says "no, he minded his own f # *cking business!"
badhusband's Avatar
LMAO! Well, there you go!!