Question for the Ladies.

Being new to the Hobby world I had a question for the providers. What is the average age of the guys you book sessions with? Just curious really.
It is all about the Benjamin's

Some manors are good too.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Being new to the Hobby world I had a question for the providers. What is the average age of the guys you book sessions with? Just curious really. Originally Posted by steve2705
18 to 80.. Blind crippled or crazy as long as you have cash.
It is not "all about the benjamins," but yes, MANNERS can go a long way. Yes, the money is definitely important. But there are many of us who won't see anyone under 30 or 35, some set the minimum age even higher. There are also others who won't see anyone over 50. It's hard to say the average age of a hobbyist, because different demographics are attracted to different common themes. I'd say men in their 40s are the most common age for me, and probably many others. By their 40s, lots of gents have made it to that "expendable income" bracket and can afford an expensive indulgence, and still have a high sex drive.
tbone77494's Avatar
CD just described me exactly, only needing to add "and has an SO that hates giving head."
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
For me... I tend to attract 40 years young- although I see men of all ages, I don't set an age restriction or limits, I'd say men of that age desire my presence.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
CD just described me exactly, only needing to add "and has an SO that hates giving head." Originally Posted by tbone77494
Time to ditch that bitch.
TexasGator's Avatar
To the OP: If you need to ask, odds are you're too "young" to play in this sandbox.
Prime Time's Avatar
Old enough to be charged as an adult.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It's all over the place. I have seen as young as 18 and as old as early 90's. I'd say mid 40's- 50's is the average for me.