2 cents worth

  • hd
  • 08-18-2014, 01:33 PM
I bought something the other that cost a couple bucks and used a ten to pay, I got back a stack of Susan B's as change, great, now I'll walk leaning to the right until I can spend them. Anyway, I decided to go thru my change jar and dig out the 1$ coins in it, I ended up with over thirty, so I put them in the car to use whenever I go thru the fast food drive thru.
But it got me to thinking of when I did some traveling thru Canada, mostly in the BC and Vancouver Island, I got accustomed to their 1 and 2$ coins, and since their first paper money started at 5$, the coins actually seemed to be more convenient then using 1$ bills. It did make you consider the best way to use the money to pay for a transaction.
Too bad someone in our government can't make a decision to rid us of either the 1$ coin or the 1$ paper.

Anyway, just my 0.02cents worth

Word from the wise................never pay with a bag of 1$ coins, it will end up in the side of your head!
The government needs to get rid of the penny. Heard it costs more than 1 cent to make one.
WalkerTx's Avatar
I've gotten to the point that nearly every transaction I make is either via credit card or debit card......and yes, I said NEARLY..
dallasfan's Avatar
All prices should be so that with taxes included it equals a whole dollar...no coins needed...they will have to change prices on tax free day of course.
Chung Tran's Avatar
a man and woman went before the Judge in divorce court.. Judge asked the woman why she wanted a divorce, she said because "he called me a 2-bit Whore".. Judge asked the man, "is that true"? man said yes, but "she hit me".. Judge asked the woman what she hit him with..

"a sack of quarters", she deadpanned..