So how many of you sat through Hillary's entire speech??

Since I truly believe she is a dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt, it is difficult to be objective.

All of her tales about her childhood, her mother, all the stories, I can't help but think,......"she's lying. Just like so many other events she has fabricated, she just makes shit up".

And to watch that sleaze bag Bill applauding and well, just being "Bill", is sickening. Is there possibly anybody who doesn't know how fake these two really are?

But the speech it's self? Good lord, why not just bring out a huge blackboard and have as many people as possible just continually scrape their fingernails across it. Did you see those eyes. If you can see into a person's soul by looking into their eyes, you could sure see who she really is. I almost expected them to turn red at any moment.

The whole speech was framed by the Liberal News Media as Hillary " re-introducing herself, being more human". Well, it seems like every couple of months, she has to "re-introduce" herself because the same old Hillary keeps coming back out.

Dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have to agree with you -- you are not objective. You not only don't like Hillary Clinton, you hate her. You are obviously not alone in your opinion of her. If you were still watching when the opinion poll results of her speech were announced, she scored better than Trump did on every aspect of the speeches.

Was it a great speech? No. We'll see in the next few days whether or not it had an impact on the American voters. Trump had an uptick in the polls after the RNC and I would expect the same for Clinton. If it does not come then that would indicate the voters agree with you.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I couldn't sit through it.
LexusLover's Avatar
If one registers a response to the opinion poll it would require someone to have listened/watched the entire speech, and most of those loyal to her or "interested" in what she had to say would have done so. As a consequence, any such poll is horrendously biased.

I did observe her eye-hand coordination as she was feebly attempting to bat balloons, and then noticed her waddling (almost staggering) across the stage afterwards. Exhaustion? Dr. Carson was watching also I hope. But that was a later "rerun"!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If one registers a response to the opinion poll it would require someone to have listened/watched the entire speech, and most of those loyal to her or "interested" in what she had to say would have done so. As a consequence, any such poll is horrendously biased.

I did observe her eye-hand coordination as she was feebly attempting to bat balloons, and then noticed her waddling (almost staggering) across the stage afterwards. Exhaustion? Dr. Carson was watching also I hope. But that was a later "rerun"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your first paragraph is very true. But the same could be said of Trump's speech. The same questions were asked to those people that watched the respective speeches in their entirety. The 2 polls were then compared to each other. Obviously different people being polled but the polls were conducted the same way.
gfejunkie's Avatar
No. I can't stand the screech.
Since I truly believe she is a dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt, it is difficult to be objective.

All of her tales about her childhood, her mother, all the stories, I can't help but think,......"she's lying. Just like so many other events she has fabricated, she just makes shit up".

And to watch that sleaze bag Bill applauding and well, just being "Bill", is sickening. Is there possibly anybody who doesn't know how fake these two really are?

But the speech it's self? Good lord, why not just bring out a huge blackboard and have as many people as possible just continually scrape their fingernails across it. Did you see those eyes. If you can see into a person's soul by looking into their eyes, you could sure see who she really is. I almost expected them to turn red at any moment.

The whole speech was framed by the Liberal News Media as Hillary " re-introducing herself, being more human". Well, it seems like every couple of months, she has to "re-introduce" herself because the same old Hillary keeps coming back out.

Dispicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Someone your age who hates her that bad, should know better than waste that much time. It is hard on your blood pressure .
the speech had trite worn phrasing and with that droning delivery it got old real quick

the best part of the speech from a delivery point of view were the trump attacks

I tried to sit through it but I finally was so bored and the incessant droning of her voice made me get up and do some stuff while it played in the background

its the half-truths and omitted reality and the slight twists of what her opponent actually meant and said in context when she was attacking him that grates the most
I have to agree with you -- you are not objective. You not only don't like Hillary Clinton, you hate her. You are obviously not alone in your opinion of her. If you were still watching when the opinion poll results of her speech were announced, she scored better than Trump did on every aspect of the speeches.

Was it a great speech? No. We'll see in the next few days whether or not it had an impact on the American voters. Trump had an uptick in the polls after the RNC and I would expect the same for Clinton. If it does not come then that would indicate the voters agree with you. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to have been exposed to the Clintons and their "modus operendi" ever since they burst onto the National scene.

She lies. She lies to the point that it is pathological. She lies when the truth would be better.

Which is why, when I listen to her speech, with all the platitudes and personal stuff that she believes can't be fact checked, my first thought is......"she's lying".

Oh sure. We are to take Bill's word for it. I didn't buy one shred of that pablum he dished out the other night no more than I believe that there just happen to be a pile of rocks on that beach he and Hillary were walking down, or......."I did not have sexual relations with that woman......"
They lie until they are caught, and then rely on a willing and corrupted press to ignore it all.

You can choose to believe their crap if you want to. That is your perogative.
LexusLover's Avatar
They lie until they are caught, and then rely on a willing and corrupted press to ignore it all. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How many Black people under investigation for a felony can be "excused" from the criminal consequences by just telling the lead investigator .... I didn't know the law!

(I am using "Black people" because they are the very ones who HillariousNoMore et al want to solicit to support them based upon the spurious claim that Trump/Republicans want to lock them up and let "Whitey" go free.)

They lie until they are caught, and then rely on a willing and corrupted press to ignore it all.

. Originally Posted by Jackie S
that is one thing I do find utterly astonishing

that in review of these sorts of dimocrat events, the main stream media fawns so and gushes and relates their favorite parts of these stories in the glowing aftermath with such acceptance and reverence
LexusLover's Avatar
that is one thing I do find utterly astonishing

that in review of these sorts of dimocrat events, the main stream media fawns so and gushes and relates their favorite parts of these stories in the glowing aftermath with such acceptance and reverence Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It supports their preferences. It is displayed regularly on this board, also.

If she hadn't been married to Bill, she'd be sweeping floors.
It supports their preferences. It is displayed regularly on this board, also.

If she hadn't been married to Bill, she'd be sweeping floors. Originally Posted by LexusLover
it causes me to remember their gushing concerning the arms of michelle for the first few years of Obama

it was similar to the Shakespearean, "me thinks they doth protest too much"

only it was gush too much, else they feared to be thought some sort of racist if they were truthful concerning her appearance, so they all glommed onto the arms in adoring praise cuz they certainly couldn't talk convincingly about much else
Both Trump and Clinton need voice coaching. Nails scraping on a blackboard...yup. I couldn't sit through either one.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to have been exposed to the Clintons and their "modus operendi" ever since they burst onto the National scene.

She lies. She lies to the point that it is pathological. She lies when the truth would be better.

Which is why, when I listen to her speech, with all the platitudes and personal stuff that she believes can't be fact checked, my first thought is......"she's lying".

Oh sure. We are to take Bill's word for it. I didn't buy one shred of that pablum he dished out the other night no more than I believe that there just happen to be a pile of rocks on that beach he and Hillary were walking down, or......."I did not have sexual relations with that woman......"
They lie until they are caught, and then rely on a willing and corrupted press to ignore it all.

You can choose to believe their crap if you want to. That is your perogative. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I challenge you to go back to my original post and find where I said I believed anything in the speech. Or did not believe anything in the speech. I personally passed no judgement on her, Bill, or Donald Trump.

As you said about yourself ". . . it is difficult to be objective."