Microsoft To Ban ‘Offensive Language’ And Monitor Your Private Account

Vivienne Rey's Avatar
"In a March 1 release, Microsoft is warning customers using Office, Xbox, Skype, and other products that the company is prohibiting offensive language and inappropriate content starting on May 1. “Don’t publicly display or use the Services to share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, nudity, bestiality, pornography, offensive language, graphic violence, or criminal activity),” Microsoft warns in a portion of their new codes of conduct."
pyramider's Avatar
Microlimp cannot even create an operating system that does not randomly shut itself down and you are afraid of this?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
Ummm . . .so this means that those serious or non Hobby related Flicker groups I may belong to will have about half the images taken down? What is in bad taste or porn anyway? What is inappropriate self-help or adult intimate instruction and on and on?

what I see is quick-sand.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
More fallout from the Sesta/Fosta thing.
So when does the betting pool start on when the first lawsuit in federal court on violation of constitutional rights get filed.
The betting pool starts the day this unconstitutional bill is signed by the John President.

And once people see the fallout they will begin questioning the effects of the ridiculously broad definitions in this bill that will certainly make it to the Supreme Court and rather quickly too, I'd imagine.

Billionaire oil heiresses in Texas can only fund the all sex work is sex trafficking narrative for so long before the people see through the bull.

(Do some research, a lot of the above is made light of in at least one thread related to this legislation that has been heavily discussed in multiple forums both national and local.)

The fear is real people and fear politics are an all too powerful thing in this country.
Cougarlicious's Avatar
Whoa!! So THEY ARE Getting RID OF PORN!! What Assholes in this country wtf, I kinda expected this from Clinton but Trump? The crotch snatching hound? WTF?
  • Luxie
  • 04-04-2018, 03:31 PM
You should read up on the woman spearheading FOSTA/SESTA. She definitely has an ax to grind with sex workers.
pyramider's Avatar
She probably caught her husband with a provider.
If you are running Windows 10, you need to read up on disabling Windows Telemetry. Even if you click off all of the tracking in the privacy settings, that Telemetry service is still sending data back to M$.
ck1942's Avatar
Microsoft customers and users do not have any First Amendment rights for Microsoft to violate.

Much as a newspaper does not have to run your letter to the editor, or sell you advertising space, MSFT can set its own content rules, subject, of course, to whatever government rules like consumer protection, FTC, hiring, employment and housing advertising might be. But content is its choice.

burkalini's Avatar
Maybe we should all send microsoft dick and pussy pics