Theory and reality

A kid arrives home from school and tells his dad:

-Kid: Dad, my homework today is to write a paper between the difference of Theory and Reality. Can you help me dad?

-Dad: Sure son, I tell you what. Go and ask your mom and your sister if they will have sex with someone for $1,000,000.

-Kid: Ok Dad, I will ask them.

20 minutes later.....

-Dad: Ok son, what did they say?

-Son: Well they kind of say that they will do it if you did not find out.

-Dad: Ok son, I can help you with your homework now.

-In theory we already have $2,000,000
-But in reality, all we have is two putas in our house!!!

stereo's Avatar
True Story
I was thinking of this same joke just last night. TFF
Hope you don't mind but I have to share this! Hilarious! Haha!!!
single1's Avatar
I like the spanish version better. Just so you know, I've used it several times and did not give you credit. LOL
I like the spanish version better. Just so you know, I've used it several times and did not give you credit. LOL Originally Posted by single1
I know the Spanish Version amplifies the ending. Really funny!