I'm gonna slaughter some pixels!

Yep, playing video games helps to cool me off when I get mad. What do you do when you're angry?
knotty man's Avatar
when im angry, i masturbate
im angry alot......i mean A LOT!!!
my foreskin is like a leather seat on 1949 pickup truck
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I don't get angry. don't worry, be happy!

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I don't get angry very often. But I'm a cancer, so I crawl inside my shell when I get angry and don't want to deal with anyone.
Nice. I also listen to music, draw and do creative writing when upset. It helps me to work through it more quickly.
nuglet's Avatar
I just read some the forums and realize how good my life is... lol
Nice. Playing with my pets also helps me to cool down. There's nothing quite like a giant lizard snuggling with you.
I love video games! I even used to play Everquest as a kid! Lmao 💋💋💋
Indeed. I LOVE the original NES Nintendo, and am a HUGE fan of LARP! If you could see me right now in my Gargoyle getup you'd probably be like.... WHAT IN THE HOLIEST OF FUCKS IS THAT?!
Retail therapy, being with my dog,talking about to it a friend....ok, my favorite is retail therapy - I use that one alot!!!
sue_nami's Avatar
taking dogs to the dog park, dancing to some live music, going to Beijing foot massage
I'm a very passionate emotional person, so I've had to learn some healthy coping skills for different negative emotions. When I'm in a rage, I run until I can't run anymore. If I'm just angry, I clean like a mad woman. Mad energy seems to be calmed with physical activity for me. But I try to avoid things and people that I am reactive to. I really don't like feeling that way at all. Anger is poison.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Do you guys remember the movie "Anger Management" with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler in the lead roles?

When I am furious, I stop and sing
"I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and gay,

And I pitty,
Any girl who isnt me today,"

I suggest that you all try this. You'll be amazed how well it works.