Hey LLIdiot! The Austin American-Statesman gets it WRONG? Or did YOU??? LMAO!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
From the "What a Dipshit" department at ECCIE... LLIdiot is proven a blithering idiot once again! Either that or a bald-faced LIAR! Nah, he's just an idiot! But if the foo shits...

Of course, who believes the mainstream media about drug store luncheonettes????



You haven’t lived in Austin until you’ve noshed at Nau’s

12:00 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015

Sure, Austin has a crazy-powerful laser (that’s the Texas Petawatt Laser at the University of Texas — it has the output of more than 2,000 times all the power plants in the United States combined), but did you know we also have a time machine? One step through the doors of Nau’s Enfield Drug, 1115 West Lynn St. in the Clarksville neighborhood, will take you back to the days of old Austin. Navigate your way through the displays full of gag gifts, specialty candy and convenience-store staples to the soda fountain, where you can sit at the counter, a table or a booth while enjoying diner fare including burgers, sandwiches, soups and salads (on a plate or in a bowl) and old-timey beverages such as phosphates, lemonade, shakes and malts as well as your standard soft drinks, coffee and tea. Authentic diner breakfasts are served ’til 11 a.m. daily and all day on Sundays. Seriously — if you were knocked out, tossed into a van, driven to Nau’s and came to at the lunch counter, you’d think you woken up in the ‘50s — and the pharmacist could probably recommend something for the knot on your head. Be sure to bring cash for a tip. Find them online at www.nausdrug.com.

Oh yeah, and NAU'S is lying too, right, LLIDIOT?

Nau’s Enfield Drug is home to Austin’s only original full-service drug store, soda fountain, and grill. Nau’s Enfield Drug has been serving West Central Austin since 1951 and has become a beloved, historic landmark. No matter where you live in the Austin area, you can experience Austin’s friendly neighborhood drug store, located in the middle of Clarksville on the corner of 12th & West Lynn.

boardman's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in the Austin forums?
Shouldn't this be in the Austin forums? Originally Posted by boardman
In a best world, yes!

But LLIdiot has a long history of trying to make an irrelevant point about Austin's Nau's Drug Store in this forum. It's almost as if he has a point to make but does not know how to do so.

I suspect he is trying desperately to make people believe he knows something no one else does.

Only his shrink knows what makes LLIdiot tick? Personally, I do not know or care!

With that said, I have been to Nau's a number of times. It is reminiscent of any one of a number of old 50/60's era drug stores, that used to be found thoughout Texas, usually on Main Street.

You would like it, their burgers are as good as Bubba's. But not as good as Hut's, located a few blocks away.

There were literally hundreds of similar drug stores located throughout Texas, back in the day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Shouldn't this be in the Austin forums? Originally Posted by boardman
Exactly, even though it DOES mention the mainstream media, which as you know, is a highly charged topic in the formation of our national policy, especially as it pertains to whiny bitches like LLIdiot. Plus, in the POLITICAL center of Texas, places like NAUS in Clarksville serve as latter day barbershops for locals to shoot the fat and chew the shit. If you want to pick nits, knock yourself out.

However, this particular discussion has been a bone(r) of contention for LLIdiot for months right here in the Political Forum.

He continues to act like the patriarch of the Idiot Klan, err, Clan. This is yet more proof.

Do some research, boardman.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Another Benghazi thread?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another Benghazi thread? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser


Welcome CC!

Chica Chaser's Avatar

If I were JCM, I'd find that old thread on this dumbass topic and merge it in there. And then point the fuck out of you for starting it up again and making me have to work.

But thats just me. Miss me yet? LMAO!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hammer time!
LexusLover's Avatar
From the "What a Dipshit" department at ECCIE...

Nau’s Enfield Drug, 1115 West Lynn St. in the Clarksville neighborhood[/U][/I][/B],

Oh yeah, and NAU'S is lying too, right, LLIDIOT?

[/SIZE] Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Any port in a storm, huh YouRong?


Have you ever heard the phrase .... "I'm in the neighborhood"!

I realize that you probably have heard IT this way instead:

"Hey dude, I was passing through tha ghetto and thought I'd drop in!"

I've never heard of the Austin American-Statesman or ANY OTHER NEWS MEDIA ... "get it wrong" HAVE YOU? You source an opinion article in the "intertainment" section of the Austin rag, as "authority" over the OFFICIAL MAP OF AUSTIN?

You are drowning in your own slobber and drool.


See the Official Map of the City of Austin: Nau's is ON WEST LYNN.

Thank you for giving me yet another opportunity to show you are full of shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You just won't give up, will you? Now you're blaming the MSM! That's right, the Autin paper, with its extensive archives and research library doesn't know better than a flabby, pasty little troll living with his parents in Houston.

You'll keep changing the song, but you will never live down this stupid argument. it's ALL on you, LLIdiot! Obviously you are LYING when you boast of your deep knowledge of my city. Everybody knows it.

Next thing you'll say is that Georgetown is a university in Washington D.C.

LexusLover's Avatar
You just won't give up, will you? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We know you don't. You started another thread to demonstrate your ignorance.

Let me repeat:

"Any port in a storm, huh YouRong?"


You even furnished the PROOF in your own thread quote:

"...Nau’s Enfield Drug, 1115 West Lynn St."

Official City Map vs. a public relations piece on the entertainment page?

That's a "no brainer" ..... Oh, wait! ....You have no brain!!!

Here you are DROWNING in your own SLOBBER ...

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I told you JCM.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What is your opinion of poultry CC?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We know you don't. You started another thread to demonstrate your ignorance.

Let me repeat:

"Any port in a storm, huh YouRong?"


You even furnished the PROOF in your own thread quote:

"...Nau’s Enfield Drug, 1115 West Lynn St."

Official City Map vs. a public relations piece on the entertainment page?

That's a "no brainer" ..... Oh, wait! ....You have no brain!!!

Here you are DROWNING in your own SLOBBER ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover


You don't know jack squat, LLIdiot.

You and your pdfs are irrelevant to Austin's Clarksville neighborhood boundaries ... as I've contended since you first started this ridiculous bullshit.

The only one who continually misses this point is you!

See, JCM, I told you!
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean you haven't asked for it to be closed yet? Embarrassment doesn't bother you, I see.