King Hussein is pissed

boardman's Avatar
Actually it's King Abdullah

Jordan's King Abdullah II, a former commander of Jordan's Special Forces , angrily vowed to bombard ISIS until his military runs "out of fuel and bullets" following the release of a brutal video showing a captured Jordanian airman being burned alive in a cage.
The official Facebook page of The Royal Hashemite Court published a photo showing Jordan's leader dressed in military fatigues. T he same photo was published on the King's instagram account 8 months ago.
Jordan has carried out airstrikes against ISIS in Mosul.
The Jordanian government has denied the King's involvement in any aerial attacks .
Dubbed the "warrior king," Jordan's leader has clocked in 35 years of military service.
According to the King 's bio, he enrolled in the UK's Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in 1980 and went on to become an elite Cobra attack helicopter pilot.
The Washington Examiner carried this amazing snippet from US congressmen who visited Abdullah in Jordan as part of an official trip:
"He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn't seen," said Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, who was in the meeting with the king. "He mentioned 'Unforgiven' and he mentioned Clint Eastwood, and he actually quoted a part of the movie."
Hunter would not say which part of "Unforgiven" the king quoted, but noted it was where Eastwood's character describes how he is going to deliver his retribution. There is a scene in the picture in which Eastwood's character, William Munny, says, "Any man I see out there, I'm gonna kill him. Any son of a bitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only going to kill him, I'm going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down."
It's good for him to be pissed; but he needs hellfire missiles and other aide from the US. Obama has been slow walking the Jordan's funding request.
rioseco's Avatar
It's good for him to be pissed; but he needs hellfire missiles and other aide from the US. Obama has been slow walking the Jordan's funding request. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Imagine that. Obama is slow to act again.......
Where do you guys come up with this stuff ?
You are all haters, all the time !

Please dont rush Obama or he will again "do all we can" against ISIS and then later "re-double our efforts"
How is it possible to "do all you can" and then commit to "RE-DOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS" ?

boardman's Avatar
So what he means is that he'll bombard ISIS until the US stops giving him fuel and bullets.

I'm glad to see Jordan getting pissed. It's about time the mainstream Muslims stand up and condemn extremism.

I believe the King is really pissed and intends to fight but it will be interesting to see how well it holds up in his country.

There's one thing I'm not understanding, Maybe someone can explain it.
The two people Jordan executed yesterday were supposedly Al-Qaeda. How is that getting back at ISIS for executing their pilot?
It's good for him to be pissed; but he needs hellfire missiles and other aide from the US. Obama has been slow walking the Jordan's funding request. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That's because he's more concerned with funding ISIS.

LexusLover's Avatar
It's good for him to be pissed; but he needs hellfire missiles and other aide from the US. Obama has been slow walking the Jordan's funding request. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
le French
LexusLover's Avatar
How is that getting back at ISIS for executing their pilot? Originally Posted by boardman
ISIS wanted the female released. But I don't think it is "getting back" at anyone. Jordan was offering them in exchange for the pilot ... nothing to trade now. Flush them. They did, but did not mutilate them and/or torture them in the process.

The lesson is ... ISIS is killing people and then holding the video ... seeking a trade.
lustylad's Avatar
Actually it's King Abdullah.
Originally Posted by boardman
I like him. He's smooth, smart and comfortable in his own skin. Sandhurst-educated, like his father. Can anyone imagine our C-in-C dressed in fatigues? It would look worse than Dukakis riding a tank. Even if we supply Abdullah with what he needs (and Odumbo won't), Jordan is a small country and can hardly do this alone. He needs to be helped. We rely heavily on his intelligence services to know what is going on. He has taken in 2 million Syrian refugees, which doesn't exactly enhance stability. But he knows the pulse of the "street".

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's good for him to be pissed; but he needs hellfire missiles and other aide from the US. Obama has been slow walking the Jordan's funding request. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he expected his panel to swiftly approve legislation.

“We'll be looking at legislation we can pass rapidly,” McCain told CNN. “We’ve got to get them the weapons they need,” especially sophisticated weaponry McCain said the U.S. has been slow to provide.

On the House side, Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, said the King “expressed frustration that it takes so long for our bureaucracy to get help to him.”

Sec of Defense nominee Carter said he could "well believe" that arms deliveries to Jordan were proceeding slower than King Abdullah or U.S. officials found acceptable.
lustylad's Avatar
Why has it been over a month since the UAE stopped flying sorties and we still haven't moved search and rescue assets closer to the fight? They could be based in Kurdish Iraq or southeastern Turkey. Why the delay - and the lies about the UAE boycotting the coalition?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he expected his panel to swiftly approve legislation.

“We'll be looking at legislation we can pass rapidly,” McCain told CNN. “We’ve got to get them the weapons they need,” especially sophisticated weaponry McCain said the U.S. has been slow to provide.

On the House side, Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, said the King “expressed frustration that it takes so long for our bureaucracy to get help to him.”

Sec of Defense nominee Carter said he could "well believe" that arms deliveries to Jordan were proceeding slower than King Abdullah or U.S. officials found acceptable. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
OK, so this is POTUS's fault? Of course it is, according to you, Cornholio and the howler monkeys.

Thanks. Last time I looked, today was February 5. In terms of McCain's "100-year war," two weeks isn't even a pimple on an elephant's ass. But I'm not making excuses for the perceived delays. I'm questioning, again, why EVERYTHING is Obama's fault. You're a fucking broken record... on every topic.

I'm all for supplying them all with weapons to fight ISIS and then letting them kill each other like they want to do.

And staying the FUCK out of there.
Because Obama has NO strategy; he has no plan to destroy ISIS. As evidenced by his own Defense Nominee (Carter) who couldn't tell the Senate what the Obama strategy for defeating ISIS was.

Obama is running out the clock; but more importantly, he is working hard to hand the keys to the region over to a nuclear capable Iran and their mullahs.

It is part of his strategy to fundamentally transform Amerika.

Why has it been over a month since the UAE stopped flying sorties and we still haven't moved search and rescue assets closer to the fight? They could be based in Kurdish Iraq or southeastern Turkey. Why the delay - and the lies about the UAE boycotting the coalition? Originally Posted by lustylad
OK, so this is POTUS's fault? Of course!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Team Obama doesn't think there are any delays going on....what problem?

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. government had signed a memorandum of understanding that would significantly increase U.S. assistance to Jordan. She said she was not aware of any bottlenecks in delivering weapons.

Yep, no bottlenecks, everybody else is just crazy!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, according to you, this is yet another conspiracy authored and executed by the evil POTUS!

Why don't you rub the pus out of your eyes and come out of your fucking bubble.

Your constant, broken-record droning about President Obama ought to be consolidated into a single thread. Or another new forum. How does "The Crying Towel" sound to you?