Should The Democrats Suspend Their Primaries?

On Chris Mathews tonight, there was a big discussion about the current Republican tactic of demanding Hillary announce her candidacy, mainly so she will then have to answer questions.

Why should she announce? In fact, why should the Democrats even have any primaries. She is the nominee. There is no credible challenger.

Even if she did announce, nobody in the major news organizations will dare ask her any question that might expose her weaknesses.

In fact, why even have a Convention. Gear all the money toward the general election.

At this moment, no less than 38 percent of the voting public will vote for her no matter what. All she has to do is stand there and be "Mrs Bill Clinton". So, there is absolutly no reason for her to start running for President until a few months before the election.

She's not particularilly bright, has terrible people skills, and comes across as disingenuous. On top of that, she will lie at the drop of a hat.

The fact is, , the minute she opens her mouth, it's all downhill. She is nothing but a bitter old shrew, who's only accomplishment is marrying Bill Clinton.

What all this really shows is the state of the Democrat Party. She is all they have.

What a sorry state affairs.
Anybody else shocked BigKotex hasn't responded to this thread concerning his former "hand picked" DNC candidate?

Again I doubt that HRC's health can endure a year long campaign, much less four year term.
Hot off of the presses.

This is my favorite candidate.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Democratic nominee will win no matter who he or she is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hot off of the presses.

This is my favorite candidate. Originally Posted by bigtex
You've already written that you lie about half how you feel on half your posts so why should anyone even care about your "opinion". Besides, if you believe in Webb so much why not write him a check for $750 right now.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The Democratic nominee will win no matter who he or she is. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Isn't that similar to what you said about Wendy Davis?

How'd that work out for ya?

Wasn't Texas trending blue?
You've already written that you lie about half how you feel on half your posts so why should anyone even care about your "opinion". Besides, if you believe in Webb so much why not write him a check for $750 right now. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have yet to give Webb a check during this election cycle. However, I did give him a campaign contribution when he first ran for the US Senate, in Virginia. It remains to be seen whether I give him another campaign contribution in the future. When and if I do, I will be the one who will make the determination of the exact amount given and when the check, or checks, will be delivered. In other words, it will be done on my timeline. Not yours!

With that said, if you would like to wager on whether I will give Webb "a check for $750" sometime soon. I am open to that concept.

Shall we explore our options or will you do your customary, "cut and run"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Isn't that similar to what you said about Wendy Davis?

How'd that work out for ya?

Wasn't Texas trending blue? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That one didn't work out very well at all. Who knew she'd run such a horrible campaign and that the Evil Abbott would run such a good one?

I don't remember Claiming that Texas was "trending blue," however.

It will after four years of Abbott and Costello, errr, wrong sidekick, Goeb! Especially after the Evil Abbott's health crumbles even more.

Texas will most likely vote Republican for president, as it has throughout most of my lifetime and at least half of yours.

But that's not what we're talking about here, is it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tampon, we all know that you are the master of cut and run just like Deb is the master of cut and paste. Exactly how many times do I have to write that I don't gamble? I mean really, how many times before it penetrates your thick skull? Give me a number and I'll tell you until you get it.

I picked $750 for a reason. I want to see your commitment to your chosen candidate.
Exactly how many times do I have to write that I don't gamble?

I picked $750 for a reason. I want to see your commitment to your chosen candidate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let me see if I am following JDIdiot's wildly bouncing ball. He boldly proclaims that he "don't gamble" (his words, not mine).

Three short sentences later, he offers me a wager.

JDIdiot, as for my kind and generous offer of a $750 wager, I proposed it for a reason. I want to see if you have the courage of your convictions (like JL) to back up your rude, obnoxious and childish banter, by accepting a legitimate wager offer.

Apparently, he is content to run and hide (under Mama Idiot's dress), like the fuk'n coward that he has always shown himself to be.

JDIdiot, you may now return to the corner that you painted yourself into.
When you've lost BigKotex, you've lost the low information wing of the Democratic Party.

Don't worry JD there's enough timeline for bigkotex to flip flop on any candidate or issue between now and Nov 2016.

But that "yellow dog" don't stray off the porch of the Democratic plantation.
That's a bet!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You say "lost" as if this was already 2017, Turdfly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm starting to think that Tampon is dsylexic. We shouldn't make fun of the handicapped.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why did you suggest the amount off he bet then, JDDildo?

You stepped in your own doodoo. Unlike your fellow members of the Idiot Klann, errr, KLAN, most of the rest of us can read.
shouldn't make fun of the handicapped. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot finally got one right! We should not "make fun" of JD because he was born with a severe "Idiot" handicap.

It's not his fault that he is a lifelong, card carrying Idiot.

He was born that way!