Survived first part of treatment

daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I truly appreciate everyone that has stood beside me thru all this. I cannot thank you guys enough!
So heres the 411 on my cancer, treatment has been working, and part one of treatment which has been chemotherapy, which has been hell on me, is now over. I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday this week, and we set a date for surgery. Then I'm off to do radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks, and immune therapy. Then I'm up for breast reconstruction surgery.
I'll keep everyone up to do date on things. I miss everyone, and can't wait 5o get back to what I love most. Xoxo
dumars's Avatar

Thank us by getting well! Nothing else matters!

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I truly appreciate everyone that has stood beside me thru all this. I cannot thank you guys enough!
So heres the 411 on my cancer, treatment has been working, and part one of treatment which has been chemotherapy, which has been hell on me, is now over. I have an MRI scheduled for Thursday this week, and we set a date for surgery. Then I'm off to do radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks, and immune therapy. Then I'm up for breast reconstruction surgery.
I'll keep everyone up to do date on things. I miss everyone, and can't wait 5o get back to what I love most. Xoxo Originally Posted by daddyzlilgirlalwayz
  • BNF2
  • 11-08-2022, 08:39 AM
Give ‘em hell Jay Jay! Feel better soon!
That's the way to kick that cancers ass. Stay strong girl you got this.
Myfavorite1002's Avatar
Hang in the babe!! You got this....
Y Guy58's Avatar
Stay strong and keep a good attitude. I beat cancer you can to babe
dumars's Avatar
I can relate to that! I’ve had all three versions of skin cancer since 1989! Two surgeries in the past 14 months and numerous episodes of basil cell over those years. So much so I don’t even bother with a dermatologist for the basil cell since 2006 I freeze it on my own! Smarts but ain’t shit! Add to that other unpronounceable skin anomalies which get frozen too!

I figure melanoma or LC will kill me sooner or later! But not yet!!!

Stay strong and keep a good attitude. I beat cancer you can to babe Originally Posted by Y Guy58
DallasRain's Avatar
sending positive vibes
healing prayers and love!
frizB's Avatar
  • frizB
  • 11-09-2022, 06:01 AM
All the best wishes to you and yours, Jay Jay! One of the nicest and coolest ladies I’ve met, stay strong and keep kicking ass!
Keep being strong!
Give em hell. You’ll be back to yourself soon. In the meanwhile take care the best you can.
MuffLuver's Avatar
All the best Gorgeous!
You are a fighter! We are all with you! God bless and keep up the fight!
I lost a brother this year from the evil shit. Keep fighting