Fiscal Cliff Deal Reached!

VP Biden and Senate Minority Leader McConnell have apparently reached a deal. The Senate and House still must approve. Stay tuned!

From Politico:
its to bad that the HNIC has to have is way on tax increases so since I'm a business owner and employ about 60 people there's going to be about 10 more to join the uneployed, but thats the way it is
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I did not see ANYTHING about reduced spending, if that is the case, it will never pass the House
bojulay's Avatar
Fiscal cliff deal reach around.

House won't vote...
Obama is the greatest!

Originally Posted by bigtex
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-01-2013, 05:52 AM
Greatest, Lying Cocksucker of all time.....
Riiiiiiight. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Please provide the link where I claimed Obama was the greatest. I personally wouldn't rank Obama as the greatest President of my lifetime and certainly not in history. I will say without hesitation that Obama has been much more effective as POTUS than his predecessor. In fact, it is not even close between the two.

I am reasonably certain that Turdfly voted for GW twice. For the record, I know with 100% certainty that I voted against Dub both times.

As for the Fiscal Cliff deal, it has now passed the Senate by an 89-8 margin. Next step, the House of Representatives. Stay tuned? Who in the hell knows what those wacky, Tea Sipping Republicans, in the House will do? We do know that Boehner is not a very effective Speaker. He doesn't seem to have much control over the Republicans in the House, much less the House Democrats.
  • Laz
  • 01-01-2013, 08:54 AM
As for the Fiscal Cliff deal, it has now passed the Senate by an 89-8 margin. Next step, the House of Representatives. Stay tuned? Who in the hell knows what those wacky, Tea Sipping Republicans, in the House will do? We do know that Boehner is not a very effective Speaker. He doesn't seem to have much control over the Republicans in the House, much less the House Democrats. Originally Posted by bigtex
The one group that is insisting on fiscal responsibility is considered wacky. What does that make all of the others that are willing to put blinders on and continue down the path of fiscal irresponsibility until it all blows up?
The one group that is insisting on fiscal responsibility is considered wacky. What does that make all of the others that are willing to put blinders on and continue down the path of fiscal irresponsibility until it all blows up? Originally Posted by Laz
There is no better word to describe the current House of Representatives than wacky! That is why the next Congress will not have as many wacky obstructionists as the current Congress. Indeed, this past election sent a clear and distinct message. The message from the November 6, 2012 election was that wacky, knee-jerk reactions from obstructionists should be held to an absolute minimum!

We tried it the George W. Bush way for the better part of the past 12 years. It is now time for America to put the failed economic and foreign policies of the George W. Bush Administration behind us once and for all, so that we can finally begin to move forward.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-01-2013, 09:20 AM
Do the math, just do the math.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do the math, just do the math. Originally Posted by oden
Some are still using a slide rule ...

.... for their economic computations.
Do the math, just do the math. Originally Posted by oden
The President who presided over the best economy of my lifetime referred to it as "ARITHMETIC!"
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The President who presided over the best economy of my lifetime referred to it as "ARITHMETIC!" Originally Posted by bigtex

And he actually made cuts in spending.
And he actually made cuts in spending. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And he did not award huge tax cuts to the wealthiest 1%.

Just sayin'