Is any thread truly off topic if Tara is in it?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Since some of you people are fixated with her, and bring up her name in almost any situation, I propose the following. Any post that has Tara's name mentioned will be officially considered as on topic and may not result in sanctions or points of any kind!

Usually, once her name gets inserted into a thread, interest and posting really take off, and the drama goes way up , and the entertainment factor goes sky high.

P.S. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, she misspells words on porpoise.
Who is Tara?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Tara Evans!!
addict's Avatar
Tara Evans!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Hey, if Tara had a dick, would you suck it?

True story.
Who is Tara? Originally Posted by Tiger Woods
Tara Evans!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I think Tiger Woods was pulling your chain. He and Tara have an ongoing relationship.

I haven't decided if the constant migration of thread topics to Tara are a product of her great marketing skills, a product of her white knights, a product of her black knights, or just a result of the alignment of the stars. In any event, she loves it and recognizes the great potential it gives her.

In any event, it does help strenthen the polarization of white and black knights. In my case, I find it quite humerous. I have no intentions of seeing Tara again BCD, but I would love to sit down with her sometime with a drink and just have a few laughs about the whole thing.

Now, JL, are you a white knight, a black knight, or just a pot stirrer? (My vote is WK or PS, with a strong lean toward PS.)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think Tiger Woods was pulling your chain. He and Tara have an ongoing relationship.

I haven't decided if the constant migration of thread topics to Tara are a product of her great marketing skills, a product of her white knights, a product of her black knights, or just a result of the alignment of the stars. In any event, she loves it and recognizes the great potential it gives her.

In any event, it does help strenthen the polarization of white and black knights. In my case, I find it quite humerous. I have no intentions of seeing Tara again BCD, but I would love to sit down with her sometime with a drink and just have a few laughs about the whole thing.

Now, JL, are you a white knight, a black knight, or just a pot stirrer? (My vote is WK or PS, with a strong lean toward PS.) Originally Posted by tigercat
I figured that he was, but just to be on the safe side....
I would consider myself more of a social observer than the proffered categories you gave me.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hey, if Tara had a dick, would you suck it?

True story. Originally Posted by addict
No, because I'm not gay like you are.
MickeyBlue's Avatar
Not unless that one dude posts a 'taint' joke.
addict's Avatar
No, because I'm not gay like you are. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Drats! Foiled by the "I know you are but what am I" defense. You lawyers are a crafty lot.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Since some of you people are fixated with her, and bring up her name in almost any situation, I propose the following. Any post that has Tara's name mentioned will be officially considered as on topic and may not result in sanctions or points of any kind!

Usually, once her name gets inserted into a thread, interest and posting really take off, and the drama goes way up , and the entertainment factor goes sky high.

P.S. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, she misspells words on porpoise. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL come on a thread like this just for me?
Most threads get derailed pretty quickly, Tara or no, with the bandwidth wasting "I'm under so & so", "You were on top last week", "Miss ya sweetie", "call meeeeeeeeeee sometime" bullshit. I think Tara pops in and starts her fair share of the thread derailing flirting, and due to her high profile the trolls come out as well, but in all fairness, I think if people really wanted thoughtful, insightful and life fulfulling commentary they would be looking somewhere other than here. So does Tara's presence derail every thread she's in? Probably. Does Tara's lack of presence derail all the derailed threads she's NOT in? No. But ALL threads get derailed pretty quickly. Be nice if we could blame them all on one person, but sadly we can't. Tara and Pyramider aren't the root of all derailed threads. Dammit.
P.S. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, she misspells words on porpoise. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well, she does it in PM's and in her backpage ads, too, where nobody would be in on the "joke." Always has.

Talk about stayin' in character. Yeah, that's the ticket.....
fletch's Avatar
unbelievable...i just got sick
In any event, she loves it and recognizes the great potential it gives her. Originally Posted by tigercat
I don't believe that for a second, as evidenced by her complete meltdowns in PM's.

But, on the off chance I'm wrong, no thanks are necessary for this gratuitous bump of the thread.