Covid again in Nursing Homes

Seems that even though all of the nursing homes had people get Covid Booster shots, a lot of cases of Covid in local nursing homes.

Sure doesn't seem like the booster shots are worth much.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or the nursing homes.
eyecu2's Avatar
The shots do not stop you from catching the virus, just makes the virus less lethal, and length of duration or severity.

Why do anti-vaxxers continue to post uneducated comments about it stopping any transmission.
The shots do not stop you from catching the virus, just makes the virus less lethal, and length of duration or severity.

Why do anti-vaxxers continue to post uneducated comments about it stopping any transmission. Originally Posted by eyecu2

Because that is a lie that is told by people pushing Covid shots.
The shots do not stop you from catching the virus, just makes the virus less lethal, and length of duration or severity.

Why do anti-vaxxers continue to post uneducated comments about it stopping any transmission. Originally Posted by eyecu2
What mechanism is responsible for that?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tin foil and Clorox. Both will protect you from the Covids, don’t you know?
"You're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations" Joseph R Biden
The original Antivaxxers
Kamala Harris "I'm not taking it"
CNBC "Trump is rushing vaccine"
MSNBC "We are rushing this process"
Dr Bright "We don't have a full assessment of the safety"
ICU 812's Avatar
Where is Dr. Fauci when the world needs him?

So, nearly everyone got at least one or two shots last time around, and a lot of people got less-than-lethal sick with or without a shot. Whatever happened to "herd immunity"?

The cynic in me notes that this seems to be operating on about the same timeline as in late 2019 when everyone thought Donald Trump and the Republicans would sweep the 2020elections.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Because that is a lie that is told by people pushing Covid shots. Originally Posted by farmstud60
How about a link or two to support your incorrect opinion.
Where is Dr. Fauci when the world needs him?

So, nearly everyone got at least one or two shots last time around, and a lot of people got less-than-lethal sick with or without a shot. Whatever happened to "herd immunity"?

The cynic in me notes that this seems to be operating on about the same timeline as in late 2019 when everyone thought Donald Trump and the Republicans would sweep the 2020elections. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Fauci is probably in China, hanging with Swalwell’s gal, Fang Fang.
eyecu2's Avatar
Farm-guy, the elderly are one of the most vulnerable groups. Especially in asst care homes- they are all in close proximity and share dining facilities. Lastly they are also not so aware of personal hygiene at times ..(toddler effect) and touch many surfaces.

Also they don't adhere to mask wearing as well, either by forgetting or just not able to comply with other issues such as COPD or other disease.

They are literally the canaries in the coal mines when it comes to respiratory illnesses.

I wonder why it is conservatives that would lick Trump's balls given the chance, are so anti-vax? - when it was he that initiated warp speed to produce it, and he even took it! Is it the bible belt chorus from FOX News that tells you it's bad? Or is the preference to say 'fuck it, we'll all get sick and just take antibodies when we do' mentality.... Due to all the DNA altering chemicals, the tracking mechanisms, and Manchurian candidate drugs that are also shot into people when they get the vaxx?

Perhaps Joe Rogan has the answer - you know with his medical degree and all.

I got my 2 shots and am no worse for wear, but I really think no conservatives should take any vaccines ever. Sort this whole convoluted mentality out soon enough, when this and the next nasty disease comes a calling.

Political Boogeyman on vaccine should be ignored cause science and the math of vaccines have been long established since before Jonah Salk started on Polio. Not to say some ppl are sensitive to any vaccines or it's contents; but let's not make the extremes more important that the means.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They just believe…
Tin foil and Clorox. Both will protect you from the Covids, don’t you know? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Give it a try and let us know how it worked out for ya. I never took the jab nor have I had Covid.
lustylad's Avatar
How about a link or two to support your incorrect opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Hey speedy, Laying Pipe already furnished two links in his posts #7-8 above. Do you have any comments on what Biden and Kamala said?

"You're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations"

is completely different than saying

"Your chances of surviving Covid are greater if you have these vaccinations"

Do you understand the difference?

Why did Biden over-promise by saying the vaccines would make you totally immune from even contracting the virus in the first place? That's not the way it works. People who ran out and got vaccinated, and still came down with (milder) cases of Covid, concluded that Biden lied to them.