I swear to God, I'm not making this up...

Bobave's Avatar
I have a neighbor over my back fence who has a big dog. He's a scary son of a bitch, but cool when you get to known him (The Dog, I mean).

A few months ago, another neighbor moved in next door and he has a medium sized, nervous kind of dog. Nervous dog constantly keeps track of The Dog and shits itself when The Dog comes anywhere near the fence. It runs back and forth by the fence, barking frantically at The Dog, trying to convince big dog that it shouldn't do anything to nervous dog. Which is hilarious, because The Dog never shows the least indication that it is aware that nervous dog exists (which really sends nervous dog over the edge... existential crisis or something).

Sometimes, The Dog plays a game. He carries a bone over to about one foot from the fence, plops down and gnaws on the bone. Nervous dog runs back and forth frantically, barking. The Dog gnaws his bone and is... oblivious. LOL

For some reason, that imagery comes to mind when I read some of the posters around here. Maybe it does for you too, who knows. Anyway, when you scan the threads, especially the frequent, aggressive posts (what's that term for for an aggressive group...), notice who the running dogs are...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Quite an analogy.

Sometimes, the fence is electrified, too. And sometimes the dog pisses on the fence anyway.
Bobave's Avatar
Quite an analogy.

Sometimes, the fence is electrified, too. And sometimes the dog pisses on the fence anyway. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now that's an analogy.
That is funny because I notice the samething sometimes when I post an ad, and see other ladies in my category as me post somethig more outrageous than me. It cracks me up because I am not trying to out do anyone, but its funny to read or see. Because I have a different clientele then what they may have.
Whispers's Avatar
SOMETIMES.... The big dog laying down eating his bone by the fence has already cut through the fence which is barely help up in a couple of places and is waiting patiently for the little dog to get JUST close enough to.......
Could be that the big dog is indeed deaf and blind so really is in fact clueless as to the existence of a world outside of himself, his bone and his boundaries.
The little dog doesn't get the concept that he isn't necessarily being ignored. The Big dog just has no idea that he even exist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or...the big dog is so occupied with his bone that he doesn't give a shit about anything else...not even considering that one day his bone will be worthless to him?


Maybe he's just waiting to fuck the little dog in the ass!
dogs can be gay?
Whispers's Avatar
It would be a wholly different scenario if the Big Dog had a Porterhouse and a few bitches in thongs surrounding him....
Thank You Bobave

This is some funny shit. Already lmao.
  • Vyt
  • 03-11-2011, 12:00 AM
Where are cats in all this?
rCoder's Avatar
Then there is the yapper, you know, a little dog like creature that just constantly yaps. If they were twice as big they might be able to bark like a real dog, but unfortunately all they can do is yap and be annoying.

So one day a yapper moved in next door to The Dog and falls instantly in love. Mostly the yapper just hangs around The Doq hoping for some excitement, a piece of bone, or some left over fleas.

On the occasions when The Dog decides to bark at someone like the postman or pizza delivery gal, the yapper is in hog heaven being able to yap up a storm.

When something irritates The Dog he naturally growls and bites. Unfortunately all the yapper can do is yap, but since he is oblivious he just yaps up a storm with his one true love as happy as can be.

Then The Dog took a vacation and left the yapper all alone. Poor thing didn't know what to do so he naturally tried yapping at everything, including the over worked animal control officer. But alas it wasn't the same without The Dog's butt to sniff.

Finally The Dog returned home and yapper was once again in heaven, yapping up a storm, sniffing the most fascinating aromas...
Could also be that the Big Dog only pretends to cooly ignore the little dog but in fact desperately NEEDS the little dog around in order to feel big.

Truth is that deep inside the Big Dog really feels and sees himself as being a small bitch and longs to wear the thong but dares not show it for fear the little dog will humiliate him by taking his bone, porterhouse and thonged bitches away, fucking Big Dog in the ass, pissing on his head and then ignoring HIM.

There are Few things more embarrassing for a Big Dog than getting Owned by a little dog.
i would say a cat owning a big dog is pretty bad
The cat is sitting up in a sunny patch in the 2nd story window, looking down and having a chuckle at the ridiculous dogs, having a stretch, then curling up and going back to sleep.

After nightfall, he'll go outside and pee on the fence, and on the dog's bone for good measure.