Biden……Moron In Chief

And that’s being nice.

In Maui, he once again told one of his “stories” about how he and “Dr Jill” escaped a serious house fire. This type of anecdote is totally inappropriate, comparing a simple kitchen fire to people’s loss of everything.

This link also goes through a multitude of other pure fabrications that this idiot simply makes up on the spot.

He’s a lying sack of shit. It’s that simple.
Hawaii will turn RED in 2024 no doubt about it. You don't tell people that you have no comment in the face of their plight when you're the President. Biden has no sole.
DNinja69's Avatar
The 'no comment' is just something to be mad at if we are being honest it doesn't matter to those sifting through ashes whether the President visits in 5 days or 25 days what matters it the federal response. If you look at what has been done the response is not lacking but it was never going to save lives the fire was out of control long before DC had a chance to react. The locals choice not to use sirens to me is more a concern than whether Biden showed up or not in my opinion.

He is a feeble old man overwhelmed by the job of being President. Always reading from a script and his speech patterns remind me of the last bit of Bruce Willis movie I caught on Netflix within a few minutes I had to turn it off and no shame on either guy we get old shit happens. But there is no way Biden is actively engaged on a level that is needed even for the mayor of an average sized city. I feel the ache coming from Maui it is a tragic situation for all involved. What concerns me much more than Biden rambling about a kitchen fire 20 years ago is the vast amount of issues a President has an impact on that we have no real idea who is responding to them or what oversight actually exists.

I think if the Hunter fiasco was over so pops could pardon him and move on we would see him step down. As it stands now it seems the charade will continue until they hit a big enough speed bump then it could be tool late and we would have years of Kamala in the top spot and somehow that seems like it would be worse. How the fuck did we end up in this mess?
The 'no comment' is just something to be mad at if we are being honest it doesn't matter to those sifting through ashes whether the President visits in 5 days or 25 days what matters it the federal response. If you look at what has been done the response is not lacking but it was never going to save lives the fire was out of control long before DC had a chance to react. The locals choice not to use sirens to me is more a concern than whether Biden showed up or not in my opinion.

He is a feeble old man overwhelmed by the job of being President. Always reading from a script and his speech patterns remind me of the last bit of Bruce Willis movie I caught on Netflix within a few minutes I had to turn it off and no shame on either guy we get old shit happens. But there is no way Biden is actively engaged on a level that is needed even for the mayor of an average sized city. I feel the ache coming from Maui it is a tragic situation for all involved. What concerns me much more than Biden rambling about a kitchen fire 20 years ago is the vast amount of issues a President has an impact on that we have no real idea who is responding to them or what oversight actually exists.

I think if the Hunter fiasco was over so pops could pardon him and move on we would see him step down. As it stands now it seems the charade will continue until they hit a big enough speed bump then it could be tool late and we would have years of Kamala in the top spot and somehow that seems like it would be worse. How the fuck did we end up in this mess? Originally Posted by DNinja69

By not doing the right. When you don't do the right thing bad things happen. Unfortunately we haven't seen nothing yet.
... .... Got the same sage comment for YOU mates as I do
for me-own lads back home - "You get the government you deserve"...

"Corrupt Joe" has been a liar and a cheat throughout
his whole career.... And NOW America is surely payin' the price.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...How the fuck did we end up in this mess? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Election interference with 5+ years of Muh Russia, Russia, Russia.
DNinja69's Avatar
If I actually bought into the election interference boogeyman it would keep me from going to vote. Maybe it's time we put that fairy tale to rest and work on rallying together to unseat the current buffoon-in-chief? Oh wait the most popular opposition candidate continues to promote a message that tells people their vote does not matter. Oh yeah and he is under indictment for election interference himself.

Maybe Biden is the President we deserve...
If I actually bought into the election interference boogeyman it would keep me from going to vote. Maybe it's time we put that fairy tale to rest and work on rallying together to unseat the current buffoon-in-chief? Oh wait the most popular opposition candidate continues to promote a message that tells people their vote does not matter. Oh yeah and he is under indictment for election interference himself.

Maybe Biden is the President we deserve... Originally Posted by DNinja69
Yeah, he's the gift that keeps on giving, lol.
If I actually bought into the election interference boogeyman it would keep me from going to vote. Maybe it's time we put that fairy tale to rest and work on rallying together to unseat the current buffoon-in-chief? Oh wait the most popular opposition candidate continues to promote a message that tells people their vote does not matter. Oh yeah and he is under indictment for election interference himself.

Maybe Biden is the President we deserve... Originally Posted by DNinja69

... You're a decent intelligent fellow, DNinj.
No need for you to hide...

... So the news media and the FBI/DOJ (and Joe)
all telling the American people that the Hunter
laptop was fake and "Russian disinfo" is somehow
NOT election interference in your eyes?

50 or 51 "intelligence people" claiming that also
- which surely deprived voters of THE TRUTH
just doesn't matter? ... You've seen the polls
that have shown a number of people wouldn't
have supported Joe had they known the truth.

THIS is why Berry believes Joe Biden is a bounder
and corrupt lout of the First Order.

And NOW the old doddering President has to be
led-about by the nose --- and you still wonder
HOW this is happening in America?

Feel free to take a wild guess there, mate...

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
Yeah, he's the gift that keeps on giving. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump wanted $2,000 to go out for his last stimulus check. Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell blocked it and only $600 went out.

Sleepy Joe and Kamala delivered on Trump's wishes and the other $1400 went out. (Kamala broke the 50/50 tie on the Budget reconstruction bill). Sleepy Joe signed it into law.

Recipients of the funds are quite happy with their new 65 inch 4K big screen T.V. (You had to file a tax return in the prior year to receive the stimulus check).

Thanks Sleepy Joe.
Thanks Kamala.
Trump wanted $2,000 to go out for his last stimulus check. Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell blocked it and only $600 went out.

Sleepy Joe and Kamala delivered on Trump's wishes and the other $1400 went out. (Kamala broke the 50/50 tie on the Budget reconstruction bill). Sleepy Joe signed it into law.

Recipients of the funds are quite happy with their new 65 inch 4K big screen T.V. (You had to file a tax return in the prior year to receive the stimulus check).

Thanks Sleepy Joe.
Thanks Kamala. Originally Posted by adav8s28
That was tax payer money anyway. They just gave us a little bit back what they've been stealing for years. Let's see what he gives to the people of Maui who lost everything.
  • Tiny
  • 08-26-2023, 10:35 PM
Trump wanted $2,000 to go out for his last stimulus check. Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell blocked it and only $600 went out.

Sleepy Joe and Kamala delivered on Trump's wishes and the other $1400 went out. (Kamala broke the 50/50 tie on the Budget reconstruction bill). Sleepy Joe signed it into law.

Recipients of the funds are quite happy with their new 65 inch 4K big screen T.V. (You had to file a tax return in the prior year to receive the stimulus check).

Thanks Sleepy Joe.
Thanks Kamala. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Adav8s28, the last time you wrote something like this, Texas Contrarian waltzed in and beat you to a bloody pulp. It was painful watching it happen, worse than Tua's knock out of Ruiz 19 seconds into their heavyweight title match,

Especially painful for me to watch, because you had my back in the COVID threads.

Trump, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer increased the federal debt held by the public from 17.2 trillion dollars to 24.7 trillion dollars during 2020 to 2022. The only sane ones of the bunch were the Senate Republicans.

And what do we have to show for it in addition to the 65" big screen TV's? Well, for one thing, federal debt held by the public as a % of GDP of 95%. That's unsustainable. At current rates of interest, around 5%, we would be paying $1.2 trillion a year. That's interest expense of $9,000 PER YEAR per American household, and $188,262 of net federal debt per household! Great trade off for those big screen televisions, huh?

One of the reasons interest rates are high, resulting in that $1.2 trillion annual interest cost, is because of inflation that was initially ignited by those $1400 checks you mentioned, and other spending in Biden's American Rescue Plan. Yes, you can blame fed policy and the aftereffects of COVID and logistical snafus too. But, as prominent Democratic Party economist Larry Summers has shouted from the rooftops, it was the American Rescue Plan including the $1400 checks that kicked it off.

The inflation also resulted in loss of purchasing power. In real terms, after inflation, many Americans are now earning less than they were in 2019. That's why Biden gets low marks in polls for economic policy.

Any further comments, we need to take it to another thread. Like the OP, this is all related to Biden's incompetence, but maybe not closely enough to meet the current forum guidelines for staying on topic.
ICU 812's Avatar
" . . .ask not for whome the bell tolls . . ." We will all get old and feble.

It is my view that President Biden is enduring elder souse by his handlers and close fmily. What it must take in terms of manipulative therapy and medication to keep him alert and on his feet these days has got to be detrimental to his overall health and well-being in the long run.

What strikes me is that, at times Mr. Biden seems to genuinely in he here and now . . .while at ther times he seems to the old guy character portrayed by Tim Conway on the Carrol Burnet show, or someone who has wandered out of a memory care facility.

What heroic measures does it take to get him back into that appearance of "normal" behavior?