
I'm as socialist as one can get on the ideological spectrum and I don't hide it. Nor am I ashamed of my opinions on how I feel government and society should be run. But it does not mean my opinions or views are right. So those opposite of me should be proud and not ashamed of their opinions and how they feel government and society should be run.

And my liberal friends are pissing me the fuck of bitching and whining about ever god damn thing Trump and his administration does, or everything the GOP congressional leaders are not doing or speaking out against Trump.

For 8 years we had the executive branch, and anti-Obama people bitched and complained. And you know what? They had the right to bitch and complain because they felt their freedoms and ideological beliefs were being stepped upon, while us liberals sang victories of things wanted getting passed - the ACA and marriage equality, for instance.

Now, not only do they have control of the executive branch, but both chambers in congress and the Judicial. So guess what my like-minded liberal friends - conservatives have every right to sing victories of things getting accomplished for them. That's the way politics work. The party in power is happy and singing victories, and the party not in power bitches and moans and complains.

And now we have every right to bitch and complain because we feel our liberties and beliefs are being trampled upon.

Political control has and always will be a pendulum; and I believe it is the moderates that control which party gets control. The Dems have power and the moderates get fed up with them and vote Republican, and when the GOP have power, they get fed up with them and vote Democratic.

In as little as 2 years with the mid-terms, or at most 6 years after Trump has served two terms, I would put money on the pendulum swinging and Democrats will have control. And then liberals will be happy and singing praises and Republicans will be complaining and hating on whomever we have making decisions.

I didn't care GOP supporters complained when Obama was in office and shit was getting passed that I wanted. It is their right. I didn't care that GOP supporters are happy that they control everything and in their mind they are getting their country back. I think I would say we have all always had this country, it just wasn't going in the direction they wanted, so maybe a different choice of words, but I digress.

Winners praise, losers bitch. It is the nature of the beast. And if left wing media and Trump haters stopped having a fucking cow over every little minor thing Trump says or does, and right wing media and Trump supporters stop getting offended by the fact we hate Trump, in my opinion we could bridge the divide.

Nothing shocks me anymore as to what comes out of Trumps mouth. And it doesn't offend me anymore. He is who he is. Midterms are 10 months away. And instead of the DNC finding a platform for November, we are bitching and crying about every tweet or leak that comes from his office that hurts us. I've always said political the Republican party has always been the better run when it comes to campaign season, and this just proves my point - the DNC has STILL bickering over delegates and "Trump just said this!"

A liberal will never convince a conservative their way is right. A conservative will never convince a liberal their way is right.

Neither side is right in anything, it is just opinion on how we interpret the Constitution and how this country should be run.

Majority of liberals are not welfare queens, snowflakes and rioters.

Majority of conservatives are not racist, bigoted and misogynist.

We have the right to hate Trump like you had the right to hate Obama.

You have the right to be happy with the direction the country is going in now like we had the right to be happy the direction the country was going the last eight years.

My best friend is a conservative. We have great political discussions, and we actually make fun of each other in good humor. He calls me a bleeding heart liberal and I call him a corporate loving capitalist. We even make fun of ourselves for our beliefs.

My post is all over the place as I am just typing what I am thinking and realize there is no continuity or cohesion for any of this.

But for those who TL/DR and to summarize - you were unhappy for 8 years with every right, and now we are for every right. We were happy for 8 years, and now you are for every right. Libs will be back in power and then after that GOP will be back in power and it'll keep swinging.

Let's get back to accepting the fact that others will have opposing political points of views, not defining each other by who we voted for, and stop being assholes to our political opponents. We are all better than this. Our political ideals do not define the person we are.

Now go all be dirty, naughty people, and get your groove on and play safe.
themystic's Avatar
Let's get back to accepting the fact that others will have opposing political points of views, not defining each other by who we voted for, and stop being assholes to our political opponents. We are all better than this. Our political ideals do not define the person we are.

I totally agree. Fuck those Red Dipping, Anti American, Russian colluding Trump crooks. Lock them up! Lock them up.

Were going to lock them up and build a wall around them! And guess whos going to pay for the wall? Trump is going to pay for the Wall!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Let's get back to accepting the fact that others will have opposing political points of views, not defining each other by who we voted for, and stop being assholes to our political opponents. We are all better than this. Our political ideals do not define the person we are.

I totally agree. Fuck those Red Dipping, Anti American, Russian colluding Trump crooks. Lock them up! Lock them up.

Were going to lock them up and build a wall around them! And guess whos going to pay for the wall? Trump is going to pay for the Wall! Originally Posted by themystic

themystic's Avatar

moron Originally Posted by Hotrod511
So was Lennon's message a little to ahead of your time hotrod? Let me give you one thats a little more current. Go fuck yourself hillbilly
I'm as socialist as one can get on the ideological spectrum and I don't hide it. Nor am I ashamed of my opinions on how I feel government and society should be run. But it does not mean my opinions or views are right. So those opposite of me should be proud and not ashamed of their opinions and how they feel government and society should be run.

And my liberal friends are pissing me the fuck of bitching and whining about ever god damn thing Trump and his administration does, or everything the GOP congressional leaders are not doing or speaking out against Trump.

For 8 years we had the executive branch, and anti-Obama people bitched and complained. And you know what? They had the right to bitch and complain because they felt their freedoms and ideological beliefs were being stepped upon, while us liberals sang victories of things wanted getting passed - the ACA and marriage equality, for instance.

Now, not only do they have control of the executive branch, but both chambers in congress and the Judicial. So guess what my like-minded liberal friends - conservatives have every right to sing victories of things getting accomplished for them. That's the way politics work. The party in power is happy and singing victories, and the party not in power bitches and moans and complains.

And now we have every right to bitch and complain because we feel our liberties and beliefs are being trampled upon.

Political control has and always will be a pendulum; and I believe it is the moderates that control which party gets control. The Dems have power and the moderates get fed up with them and vote Republican, and when the GOP have power, they get fed up with them and vote Democratic.

In as little as 2 years with the mid-terms, or at most 6 years after Trump has served two terms, I would put money on the pendulum swinging and Democrats will have control. And then liberals will be happy and singing praises and Republicans will be complaining and hating on whomever we have making decisions.

I didn't care GOP supporters complained when Obama was in office and shit was getting passed that I wanted. It is their right. I didn't care that GOP supporters are happy that they control everything and in their mind they are getting their country back. I think I would say we have all always had this country, it just wasn't going in the direction they wanted, so maybe a different choice of words, but I digress.

Winners praise, losers bitch. It is the nature of the beast. And if left wing media and Trump haters stopped having a fucking cow over every little minor thing Trump says or does, and right wing media and Trump supporters stop getting offended by the fact we hate Trump, in my opinion we could bridge the divide.

Nothing shocks me anymore as to what comes out of Trumps mouth. And it doesn't offend me anymore. He is who he is. Midterms are 10 months away. And instead of the DNC finding a platform for November, we are bitching and crying about every tweet or leak that comes from his office that hurts us. I've always said political the Republican party has always been the better run when it comes to campaign season, and this just proves my point - the DNC has STILL bickering over delegates and "Trump just said this!"

A liberal will never convince a conservative their way is right. A conservative will never convince a liberal their way is right.

Neither side is right in anything, it is just opinion on how we interpret the Constitution and how this country should be run.

Majority of liberals are not welfare queens, snowflakes and rioters.

Majority of conservatives are not racist, bigoted and misogynist.

We have the right to hate Trump like you had the right to hate Obama.

You have the right to be happy with the direction the country is going in now like we had the right to be happy the direction the country was going the last eight years.

My best friend is a conservative. We have great political discussions, and we actually make fun of each other in good humor. He calls me a bleeding heart liberal and I call him a corporate loving capitalist. We even make fun of ourselves for our beliefs.

My post is all over the place as I am just typing what I am thinking and realize there is no continuity or cohesion for any of this.

But for those who TL/DR and to summarize - you were unhappy for 8 years with every right, and now we are for every right. We were happy for 8 years, and now you are for every right. Libs will be back in power and then after that GOP will be back in power and it'll keep swinging.

Let's get back to accepting the fact that others will have opposing political points of views, not defining each other by who we voted for, and stop being assholes to our political opponents. We are all better than this. Our political ideals do not define the person we are.

Now go all be dirty, naughty people, and get your groove on and play safe. Originally Posted by Echoplex
Excellent post, thank you.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Winston Churchill said that those who liberal when they're young have no heart and those who are not conservative when they get old have no brain.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm as socialist as one can get on the ideological spectrum and I don't hide it.


Now go all be dirty, naughty people, and get your groove on and play safe. Originally Posted by Echoplex
Good post! I understand totally!
Winston Churchill said that those who liberal when they're young have no heart and those who are not conservative when they get old have no brain. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Doesnt Churchill have a bust in the Oval Office?
Returned after removal by Obama.
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  • WTF
  • 01-14-2018, 08:21 AM
Winston Churchill said that those who liberal when they're young have no heart and those who are not conservative when they get old have no brain. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
What did Winston say about your gay ass who has lived off government kindness your whole life and thinks he is a free market conservative!

Nice rant!
Baby murderers, 1st & 2nd amendment thief's, don't get a free pass with me... fuckem!