"Search this forum" function down again?
I just was in the AMP forum and wanted to search for a particular AMP place. I used their phone number to plug into the "Search this forum" function but didn't get any results.
Went back and used the name of the AMP, noting, no results.
Used the address of the place, again no results found.
But I know this place had been reviewed because I read the review.
Is this an ongoing problem, where this function is not working?
Sometimes it works and on other days it doesn't. I just want to bring it to the staff and maybe they could look into it.
Thanks guys for all you do and keeping this site going.
There is another thread where staff acknowledged there are issues and the tech staff is working on it.
I find that many (most? all?) of my searches won’t pull up anything more recent than mid-May, which I believe is around the time that the search function went completely kaput for almost a week.
mine too--- may last posts were made
Many features are no longer working.
Any update on if/when the search function will go beyond May of this year?
It seems like it’s been sorta fixed? New posts the last few days seem to show up, but nothing between mid-May and early July? Anyone else notice the same?
Yup. Still not working. Not sure what the deal is.
Bumped thread bc it’s still not working. All my searches begin with May.