A Sure Sign That You're Too Rich for Your Own Good!

An angry Chinese man felt that he was getting shitty service for his Maserati, so in protest he hired some guys to smash it with hammers in front of the dealership.

3-Minute Video

(But there are rumors that this is a set-up conducted by competing dealers and an importer.)
Ducbutter's Avatar
Dear God! That is sick and wrong. I had to stop the video before it hit the 25 second mark. You're a sick individual for posting that Captain!
Dear God! That is sick and wrong. I had to stop the video before it hit the 25 second mark. You're a sick individual for posting that Captain! Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Yeah, well...maybe so!

But if you thought that was sick, Ducbutter, don't dare watch this!

25-second Video Clip

That was $1.5 million of fine machinery!

(Caution: If you happen to watch this when others are around, please be aware that the audio includes a loud exclamation of, "Oh, shit!")
Ducbutter's Avatar
Yeah, well...maybe so!

But if you thought that was sick, Ducbutter, don't dare watch this!

25-second Video Clip

That was $1.5 million of fine machinery!

(Caution: If you happen to watch this when others are around, please be aware that the audio includes a loud exclamation of, "Oh, shit!") Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Yeah, that's brutal. I've seen it before and I cringe every time, you twisted fucker. Ha! I love the commentary. "I think it's a Lambo...." What a dope.
You know, the Veyron has a curb weight of about 3800 pounds at it still does 0 to 220mph in about 27 seconds. Amazing.