If any of u on these boards whether hobbyist or provider received a pm from me on the day of June 11 or 12 between the hours of 10pm and 5am i did not send it. My eccie account was hacked by a provider I helped get verified on here. I was informed of this occurrence shortly after a client recognized the pms sent as suspicious. I do apologize if u received any of the bazaar pms sent from my account. The provider in question has not only stalked and hacked my account but is now back on here as a new client. This is frustrating 2 say the least not 2 mention who the heck wants 2 be I don't even wanna be me sometimes! Ladies be careful jealousy is evil. I have learned the hard way 2 TRUST NOONE EVER! Time 4 me 2 revert from little miss save the freakin world 2 JERSEY BITCH ABOARD so please be aware that it is nothing personal 2 any provider if i seem aloof or kurt. sorry time 2 just watch my own back since i'm constantly being stabbed in it!

Chung Tran's Avatar
why are you keeping her a secret? it doesn't help to allow hackers to go unpublished...or maybe you don't have enough proof? just asking...
no secrets here sweetie. I will ask the mod who has the proof if I am allowed 2 disclose her name or handle. If it isnt in violation of the rules I will gladly pm u her information. Also I posted this thread simply 2 inform anyone who may have gotten a pm from her acting like myself that it was not me sending such nonsense. I didnt post the thread 4 any other reason.
knotty man's Avatar
damn! does that mean it wasnt you promisin to come back to killeen for a 4 hr fuck fest for $25.
im soooo bummed!!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Yeah, tell us her name so we can castigate and chastise her. This is a HUGE deal. I won't be able to sleep without knowing. I'm also thinking about making a report to the FBI and CIA.
damn! does that mean it wasnt you promisin to come back to killeen for a 4 hr fuck fest for $25.
im soooo bummed!! Originally Posted by knotty man
knotty it was 24.99 now cum on. lol No baby no 4 hr fuckfests scheduled. but would love 2 make a Killeen outing soon and squeeze ur cheeks!
Yeah, tell us her name so we can castigate and chastise her. This is a HUGE deal. I won't be able to sleep without knowing. I'm also thinking about making a report to the FBI and CIA. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
shyster do u suppose a small dose of maybe nyquil will help u out. lol thats about all i can promise u at the moment!
knotty man's Avatar
knotty it was 24.99 now cum on. lol No baby no 4 hr fuckfests scheduled. but would love 2 make a Killeen outing soon and squeeze ur cheeks! Originally Posted by jerseygirl69
Cmon! my cheeks are ready!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
ShysterJon's Avatar
Chung, you do know the person who starts a thread can read private comments, right?
jerseygirl69 you can post her handle. I have seen some evidence, but haven't had the time to dig deeper. Please let others know who she is, just keep real world information out of it.

I will look into this as I find some time over the weekend.
sexydiamond's Avatar
JG69 sorry this happened to you, please send me a pm with the informatiom.
i am NOT posting this information spitefully or viciously. This information was posted 2 inform those who were affected by receiving false pms from my account while it was being compromised. The provider in question is SexyDfwbbw. SD i will pm u or text u and let u know what happened and why. Thank u Matador and 2 u guys reading and supporting this very real and almost scary accusation. My real life is being greatly endangered by this woman. I would never post something so serious if I were not 1005 positive who was behaving this way. A special thank u 2 mr CHICA CHASER 4 the countless hours he has spent in attempts 2 stop this from reoccurring. @ shyster john i sent u an email babe.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Sounds like a bunch of drama to me
That's terrible - you're a great person and don't deserve this by ANY means.