St. C suggested a fresh start let's take it

I am glad Eccie is back and I want to thank the Admins, Mods, and ownership for all of their hard work.

I read in a post everyone here has a "fresh start". Let's all take advantage of it. Let's forgive, apologize, and hug it out if we can, or at the very least peacefully co-exist.

I will start with me.

For any party I have said unkind things about even in private and off the board, I wish I could take it back. Since I can't I am sorry, please forgive me and let's move forward.

For anything I failed to do that I should have, my apologies. I will try every day to be better than before.

For anything I did I shouldn't have, my apologies. If anything else is needed to make right PM me, we will discuss CIVILLY, and I will do all I can to make it right.

Additionally, if any party can't forgive another leave me out of the drama.

And at the risk of sounding "too preachy" remember there was only one perfect person and we got pissed and crucified him.

Holding a grudge makes it hard to embrace the fullness of life.

Wishing all much success and happiness.
DallasRain's Avatar

Eccie is back so let's all have fun!
Let's forgive, apologize, and hug it out if we can, or at the very least peacefully co-exist.

I will start with me.

For any party I have said unkind things about even in private and off the board, I wish I could take it back. Since I can't I am sorry, please forgive me and let's move forward.

For anything I failed to do that I should have, my apologies. I will try every day to be better than before.

For anything I did I shouldn't have, my apologies. If anything else is needed to make right PM me, we will discuss CIVILLY, and I will do all I can to make it right.

Additionally, if any party can't forgive another leave me out of the drama.

And at the risk of sounding "too preachy" remember there was only one perfect person and we got pissed and crucified him.

Holding a grudge makes it hard to embrace the fullness of life.

Wishing all much success and happiness. Originally Posted by Mr Lickher Right


Im not hanging on to any grudges or anger from the past, period. Idgaf who you are, you arent living rent free in MY HEAD. YOU SIMPLY ARENT THAT POWERFUL!

Thank you Eccie for coming back, amd for taking proper measures to ensure a safe place for all.
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar

This was a very nice post . . . I am sure any & all past transgressions will be forgiven especially if you're involved. You are a nice man . .