Donation Update

Whispers's Avatar

Sorry.... needed to vent......

A little feedback...... As the Agency has provided lists for different families Santa and a helper or two has been filling the sack.......

Sure... Toys...... Books.... Clothes...... but let me share a few that just make me say WOW as well as tear at me a bit......

A 17yo young lady that recently completed HS and is starting at ACC wanted a bookbag and bus pass.....

a 17yo young man asked for pants, shoes and a couple of shirts for his mom......

another young man about to be a father asked for stuff for a newborn......

while yet another asked for diapers for his baby sister......

4 asked for Christmas Dinners and will receive everything needed from Sodas, Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls and a Pie....

Many have asked for toys for younger brothers and sisters..... one has 3 cousins and asked for toys for them.....

The Agency asked for some games for a party for all the kids and they were got.....

So far....

Thanks to your generosity.......


Some don't come forward... Some won't ask.....

They don't need to...

We're getting them all something....

Parents/Guardians picking things up this week have cried..... They did not know what to expect.....

I've learned a lot these last few days......

I didn't know how expensive some items had become......

Shoes for example..... and board games..... Why are simple games like monopoly and scrabble $15 a pop?... When did kids shoes get so expensive...

Gotta pick up more items in the next couple of days but most of what we generated will be in the right hands by the end of the week.....

Most of the cards are being converted to tangible items......

Some will be used as stocking stuffer......

There are still plenty of items to make the way to the kids but I don't think that is going to be a problem.....

There are a few of these families far needier than others.....

Every Kid is getting something from us..... But a few families with greater needs are getting Christmas....

As we package everything up to go to the kids..... I can't help but extend a little of your generosity towards the ones like I mentioned above......

The ones that ask for things for little brothers or sisters instead of themselves.....

rCoder's Avatar
Thank you.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Excellent work! I offered free slave labor to help, Silly!

Glad the worst is behind you. It's almost time for you to start working on your own list, isn't it?


Oh, not that kinda ho...
austinkboy's Avatar
damn. These small fonts on the smart phone is making my eyes water...
merry christmas all.
Whispers, you're a good man! Thank you.
It takes a big man to put it all together- Thanks Big man.
And thanks to all of your little elfs too!!
Whispers dear, please let me know if there is anything else I can do. I also have things to drop off to you, but I never know which strip club you are in. PM me!

Knowing that these children are in need all year long breaks my heart. Christmas is especially tough for some, and definitely a great time to pull together, but there are 11 other months out of the year that these children go unnoticed. I would adopt them all if I had room in my loft!

But a huge thanks to you, the organizer, and all those involved. This has been a fantastic project and I hope that the generosity continues throughout the year
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 12-15-2010, 07:56 AM
Great news. Thank you for the work you and others did to make this a reality.
runswithscissors's Avatar
Thanks for the update....again, enough thanks cannot be said for your organizing skills and communicating the needs of this charity...

I myself am looking forward to The Second Annual Toy and Charities Drive 2011....

And in a side note to everyone; whatever bad day you are having at work or home or whatever you perceive to be the problem of the day; stop and listen to someone elses story of their life; it never ceases to amaze me that when talking to someone in need, they will ALWAYS ask for something for someone else before they will ask for something for themselves....

I have worked closely with several charities and whatever bad day I think I am having, stopping and listening to someone else will quickly put you in your place.....

Thanks again for inviting me, and my chance to do a very small thing for a very worthy cause......
Thanks Whispers.

I'm picturing your heart, doing that thing that the Grinch's heart does at the end of the story, where it grows and grows until it almost pops.
richcran's Avatar
Whispers dear, please let me know if there is anything else I can do...... Originally Posted by klovve
Damn! Too bad the NICE Whispers is here for the next 10 days or she could be in trouble......oh to have those problems......

But seriously.....yes, thanks again for putting this all together for you and your elves.......
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers dear, please let me know if there is anything else I can do. I also have things to drop off to you, but I never know which strip club you are in. PM me!
Originally Posted by klovve

ehmmmmm .... ahhh....... I uhhh.... have this horrible headache..... lots of stress and tension......

Maybe when you drop some stuff off you can......



Bring me a couple of tylenol?