Sixxbach poisoned me last night.

Sixxbach is not to be trusted. He poisoned me with red wine last night. I'd like to post a long, detailed account of the evening's events, but I don't remember much.

Still, because I love everyone here so much, even in the midst of my slow-creeping death, I want to share a few of the things I learned last night. Perhaps these pearls of wisdom will improve your quality of life. Or perhaps they will just make you thankful that you were able to avoid my company.

When a man asks me to dance, I'm supposed to let him lead.

Some people do not like going to Magnolia at 3 a.m., but will graciously take you through the drive-through at Whataburger for breakfast.

Some people are completely selfish and use all of the salsa without leaving any for the rest of the group.

It is not sexy to eat pancakes with your hands.

When I'm enjoying myself in the bedroom, I do not care whether someone else is trying to sleep. I do not come with a mute button.

iPhones do not work well after you drop them on the ground a couple of times.

As a general rule, I have more fun with my ECCIE friends than I do with my civi friends.

Sixx is only friends with me because I like to cook.
LadiesFan's Avatar
It is not sexy to eat pancakes with your hands. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I disagree

Sixx is only friends with me because I like to cook. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I strongly disagree

Wait... are you saying that I can eat pancakes with my hands at 3 a.m., and still look sexy doing it? What about licking syrup off of myself? Or maybe I was licking syrup off someone else. I don't quite recall.

I do know that the man who told me I looked sexy upon waking this morning should probably get to the optometrist STAT before his failing eyesight progresses to total blindness.

I've also designated my apartment as a no-clothing zone. Walk in the door, and get naked. It's the rules.
LadiesFan's Avatar
"no-clothing zone".... oh my.
Well then, I will only visit you after night-fall as a courtesy... don't think you're apartment can get dark enough during the day for anyone to risk being exposed to my nakedness
Whispers's Avatar
Sixxbach is not to be trusted. He poisoned me with red wine last night.

The things a man will do to get into a girls pants... errr..... I mean kitchen.......

I'd like to post a long, detailed account of the evening's events, but I don't remember much.

There are pictures and a video that he streamed.....

Still, because I love everyone here so much, even in the midst of my slow-creeping death, I want to share a few of the things I learned last night.

We already read his review..... So we know what he taught you!

Perhaps these pearls of wisdom will improve your quality of life. Or perhaps they will just make you thankful that you were able to avoid my company.

When a man asks me to dance, I'm supposed to let him lead.


Some people do not like going to Magnolia at 3 a.m., but will graciously take you through the drive-through at Whataburger for breakfast.

All those culinary skills and you can't whip up a breakfast?

Some people are completely selfish and use all of the salsa without leaving any for the rest of the group.

ya snooze ya lose...

It is not sexy to eat pancakes with your hands.

depends what kind of sausage ya wrap it around!

When I'm enjoying myself in the bedroom, I do not care whether someone else is trying to sleep. I do not come with a mute button.

Ball Gags serve a purpose!

iPhones do not work well after you drop them on the ground a couple of times. iPhones do not work well..... period

As a general rule, I have more fun with my ECCIE friends than I do with my civi friends.

Sixx is only friends with me because I like to cook. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Not true... He told me the other day he was hanging around you not only for table scraps but because he thinks if he does, sooner or later Kelli will get drunk and pass out too!

Hooray for the naked house. At least Sixx offered you wine, it could have been cheap beer and a roofie Or is that floorie? In either case, he clearly demonstrated his devotion.
It would almost be better if he poisoned me to get into my pants. He's not even interested in seeing me BCD again unless the session comes with a steak. Bastard.

Sixx should know better than to expect FuckingKelliLovve to pass out if she gets drunk. She's clearly some freak of nature that metabolizes alcohol into pure energy. If she does manage to have one too many, all she wants is to convince everyone to come upstairs with her and drink Guinness. Well, that and make out with her. But I digress...
Whispers's Avatar
He called me earlier and asked me if I wanted to hang out with ya'll later....

Then Later came and did I get a call?


Not a peep....

Not a text......

And now I realize that he stopped by the office the other day and all my Ambian is gone....

I can't sleep because all my sleeping pills are gone........ you know... those pills that are known to cause "sleep sex" that ya don't always remember?..... They are all gone now! Google it and look at the side effects... You seem to have described them all.... and remember..... I was not there.....
richcran's Avatar
Nat, I could care less about watching you eat pancakes with your hands BUT, I personally would LOVE to watch you lick the syrup and butter off your fingers.........
sixxbach's Avatar
Sixxbach is not to be trusted. He poisoned me with red wine last night. I'd like to post a long, detailed account of the evening's events, but I don't remember much.

Yeah, yeah, blame it on the wine!

Some people do not like going to Magnolia at 3 a.m., but will graciously take you through the drive-through at Whataburger for breakfast.

What is there to not like about Whataburger, its a Texas original!

It is not sexy to eat pancakes with your hands.

I beg to differ........

When I'm enjoying myself in the bedroom, I do not care whether someone else is trying to sleep. I do not come with a mute button.

Yikes, wasn't me..... Had it been me in there with you, you would have been able to hear a pin drop.... well maybe not that quiet....

As a general rule, I have more fun with my ECCIE friends than I do with my civi friends.

I have had some really cool times with people on the board too. Besides with what other group of pals are you going to debate if Leslie Cochran is really Leslie Cochran...

Sixx is only friends with me because I like to cook.

No comment........
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
It would almost be better if he poisoned me to get into my pants. He's not even interested in seeing me BCD again unless the session comes with a steak. Bastard.

Hmmm, well I also love nanner pudding... maybe you could spoon feed it to me???

Sixx should know better than to expect FuckingKelliLovve to pass out if she gets drunk. She's clearly some freak of nature that metabolizes alcohol into pure energy. If she does manage to have one too many, all she wants is to convince everyone to come upstairs with her and drink Guinness. Well, that and make out with her. But I digress... Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
A girl who likes Guiness..... wow.... maybe her and I can make out one day while we drink some Guiness...

Natalie, Its not cool to suck on your friends finger when you are drunk and hungry. Just sayn
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
hmmm Are you sure that was last nite??? I distinctly recall waiting as Sixx placed an order for a Jumbo Jack sans veggies & cheese, some tacos & something else... We talked a bit about various topics, he took 10 to put the dogs out & called me back. I asked what it was he wanted to pick my brain about since I already said I had to get up early. It was only 3:15, ya' see. Not long after that, I heard the sound of gentle snores...

"Sixx? Hello????? Wake up!!!!"

  • 12-15-2010, 06:34 AM
What about licking syrup off of myself? Or maybe I was licking syrup off someone else. I don't quite recall. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I couldn't continue any further in this thread after reading this.

I am going to Sam's Club to get a few vats of Aunt Jemima...
I'm still pissed about the salsa....

And, my eyesight is just fine, thank you.
Holeshot's Avatar

iPhones do not work well after you drop them on the ground a couple of times. . Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I dropped my iPhone 3G in a glass of tea, but that just gave mr an excuse to get the iPhone 4.