Trump and the anthem

derek303's Avatar
He speaks for me on these kneeling poor black millionaires. Shut the fuck up and play ball. I can say after what the Jaguars and Dolphins did in Europe today I'm done. Dozens took a knee and then stood for THEIR anthem. FUCK these cock suckers! I'm a huge sports fan but I will only watch my team the Cowboys now because Jones told them they must stand. I might change my mind but it will take a while. The Steelers of all teams announced they will not be on the field for the national anthem today. Yup...I'm done with the NFL!!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
He speaks for me on these kneeling poor black millionaires. Shut the fuck up and play ball. I can say after what the Jaguars and Dolphins did in Europe today I'm done. Dozens took a knee and then stood for THEIR anthem. FUCK these cock suckers! I'm a huge sports fan but I will only watch my team the Cowboys now because Jones told them they must stand. I might change my mind but it will take a while. The Steelers of all teams announced they will not be on the field for the national anthem today. Yup...I'm done with the NFL!!!!! Originally Posted by derek303
Who cares. I doubt you will be missed.
Let this sink in.
The President of the United States is calling for economic penalties against a private business because some employees of that business are exercising their Constitutionally-protected rights.
I recognize that this is red meat for his base, but fuck. This man is off the rails. Don Cheexote is insane.
For a primer on why Trump hates the NFL you can read this:
"In 1985, the USFL voted to move from a spring to a fall schedule in 1986 to compete directly with the NFL. This was done at the urging of New Jersey Generals majority owner Donald Trump and a handful of other owners as a way to force a merger between the leagues. As part of this strategy, the USFL filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the National Football League in 1986, and a jury ruled that the NFL had violated anti-monopoly laws. However, in a victory in name only, the USFL was awarded a judgment of just $1, which under anti-trust laws, was tripled to $3. This court decision effectively ended the USFL. The league never played the 1986 season, and by the time it folded, it had lost over US$163 million."
A nice tidbit in there, apparently he tried to purchase a stake in the Buffalo Bills as recently as 2014 but was rebuffed. This is all a personal vendetta for him.
Least popular President ever takes aim at most popular US sport.
lustylad's Avatar
Let this sink in.
The President of the United States is calling for economic penalties against a private business because some employees of that business are exercising their Constitutionally-protected rights.
I recognize that this is red meat for his base, but fuck. This man is off the rails. Don Cheexote is insane. Originally Posted by Observing
Ever heard of Brendan Eich at Mozilla? Or Dan Cathy at Chick-Fil-A? Did you stand up and defend their Constitutionally protected rights too? Were the people who organized boycotts of their businesses and ousters of their executives "off the rails" and "insane"?

Or how about James Damore at Google? Did you defend his Constitutionally protected right to free speech? It cost him his job.

Why didn't you defend them? Were their views not PC enough for you?

Let that sink in.
gfejunkie's Avatar
DumbAss! Originally Posted by Observing
Only a dumbass would attempt to psychoanalyze someone without a license. Or, is that just the latest dimretard talking points?

We reserve the right to disrespect anyone who disrespects our country, our flag, or our national anthem. Period. Let that sink in.
Republicans: "Some good people in the crowd of white supremacists."
Also Republicans: "I should be able to wave the Confederate Flag because free speech."
Also Republicans: "Fire anyone who kneels for the National Anthem."
If you don't support the freedom to kneel during the national anthem then you're anti-American and anti-freedom of speech.
That's the magic of this display of solidarity against Trump -- Trump created it! If he hadn't opened is big mouth (and tweeted about it) there wouldn't be nearly so much interest in this. People are sick of his shit, sick of the president insulting Americans willy-nilly, and he's now inspired a nation of people to say, before national TV audiences, that they're not going to just pretend everything's OK.
This is not about our nation so much as it's about Trump -- people aren't protesting our anthem, they're using it as an opportunity to protest Trump, and it's getting huge.
He's unhinged and Mueller is comin' for the Mango Moron.
lustylad's Avatar
If you don't support the freedom to kneel during the national anthem then you're anti-American and anti-freedom of speech... Originally Posted by Observing
Ummm, ok.

By the same token, weren't the people who ousted Brendan Eich at Mozilla infringing on his freedom of speech? Were the folks who boycotted Chick-Fil-A opposing Dan Cathy's free speech? Is Google anti-freedom of speech for firing James Damore?

Why do you keep ducking those questions? Do they make you uncomfortable? Do you only defend freedom of speech for those expressing views you agree with? Are you afraid to think it all through?
Ummm, ok.

By the same token, weren't the people who ousted Brendan Eich at Mozilla infringing on his freedom of speech? Were the folks who boycotted Chick-Fil-A opposing Dan Cathy's free speech? Is Google anti-freedom of speech for firing James Damore?

Why do you keep ducking those questions? Do they make you uncomfortable? Do you only defend freedom of speech for those expressing views you agree with? Are you afraid to think it all through? Originally Posted by lustylad
John Kelly needs to explain to his dotard boss that he is abusing his office and possibly committing a crime by suggesting that the NFL fire those protesting athletes.
18 U.S. Code § 227 - Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch
(a)Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity...
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
(b)In this section, the term “covered government person” means...
(3)the President, Vice President, an employee of the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, or any other executive branch employee (as such term is defined under section 2105 of title 5, United States Code).
Let this sink in.
The President of the United States is calling for economic penalties against a private business because some employees of that business are exercising their Constitutionally-protected rights.
I recognize that this is red meat for his base, but fuck. This man is off the rails. Don Cheexote is insane.
For a primer on why Trump hates the NFL you can read this:
"In 1985, the USFL voted to move from a spring to a fall schedule in 1986 to compete directly with the NFL. This was done at the urging of New Jersey Generals majority owner Donald Trump and a handful of other owners as a way to force a merger between the leagues. As part of this strategy, the USFL filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the National Football League in 1986, and a jury ruled that the NFL had violated anti-monopoly laws. However, in a victory in name only, the USFL was awarded a judgment of just $1, which under anti-trust laws, was tripled to $3. This court decision effectively ended the USFL. The league never played the 1986 season, and by the time it folded, it had lost over US$163 million."
A nice tidbit in there, apparently he tried to purchase a stake in the Buffalo Bills as recently as 2014 but was rebuffed. This is all a personal vendetta for him.
Least popular President ever takes aim at most popular US sport.
DumbAss! Originally Posted by Observing
Ha ha, you actually think this will hurt Trump!
lustylad's Avatar
John Kelly needs to explain to his dotard boss that he is abusing his office and possibly committing a crime by suggesting that the NFL fire those protesting athletes.
18 U.S. Code § 227 - Wrongfully influencing a private entity’s employment decisions by a Member of Congress or an officer or employee of the legislative or executive branch
(a)Whoever, being a covered government person, with the intent to influence, solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation, an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity...
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
(b)In this section, the term “covered government person” means...
(3)the President, Vice President, an employee of the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, or any other executive branch employee (as such term is defined under section 2105 of title 5, United States Code). Originally Posted by Observing
Still ducking my questions! You're evidently incapable of discussing violations of the free speech rights of anyone you disagree with. I get it. Just be honest about it. Admit you're a hypocrite when it comes to the First Amendment.

And 18 U.S. Code § 227 was already dismissed in the other thread. Trump didn't say Kaepernick should be fired for being a Democrat, if that's his political affiliation. Nor did the POTUS "wrongly influence" anyone. He merely expressed his personal sentiments on the issue of respecting our national anthem. So the statute doesn't apply. It's a ridiculous overreach to even suggest it might apply. You know that because I already explained it in the other thread. Yet you cite the statute again anyway.

Sadly and stupidly, you only know how to regurgitate the libtard talking points you are spoon-fed each day, not defend them from their demonstrable illogic.
Ha ha, you actually think this will hurt Trump! Originally Posted by centexguy
Not among his most fervent dim witted idiot followers...

Jaguars owner Shahid Khan, who had contributed $1 million to the Trump inauguration, locked arms with his players and the Jaguars’ coaches in what is believed to be the first visible participation in relation to anthem protests by a league owner.
Still ducking my questions! You're evidently incapable of discussing violations of the free speech rights of anyone you disagree with. I get it. Just be honest about it. Admit you're a hypocrite when it comes to the First Amendment.

And 18 U.S. Code § 227 was already dismissed in the other thread. Trump didn't say Kaepernick should be fired for being a Democrat, if that's his political affiliation. Nor did the POTUS "wrongly influence" anyone. He merely expressed his personal sentiments on the issue of respecting our national anthem. So the statute doesn't apply. It's a ridiculous overreach to even suggest it might apply. You know that because I already explained it in the other thread. Yet you cite the statute again anyway.

Sadly and stupidly, you only know how to regurgitate the libtard talking points you are spoon-fed each day, not defend them from their demonstrable illogic. Originally Posted by lustylad
"He merely expressed his personal sentiments on the issue of respecting our national anthem."
His personal opinion don't mean shit.
He is a draft dodging lying racist dotard and chickened out of being in the military.

"Four of the deferments were because of college, while one was due to a bone spurs in his heel — something Trump himself doesn't seem to fully remember. In a recent interview with the New York Times, for instance, he said the bone spurs were "temporary," "minor," and had no real impact on him. Yet he's also said that the bone spurs made it difficult for him to walk "long-term." In other instances, he's declared that he's in perfect health, and his longtime physician stated Trump has had "no significant medical problems" in over 40 years. They both seem to have forgotten that one problem supposedly so detrimental that it kept him from serving.

Simultaneously, Trump has said that it was ultimately getting lucky with a high draft lottery number that kept him from the war. However, he had already been deferred for medical reasons for over a year when the draft lottery started, making the lottery irrelevant for him.

Then, oh yes, there are the comments he made regarding Senator John McCain — a prisoner of war during Vietnam. He said that McCain was not a war hero, and that Trump liked "people who weren't captured." And let's not forget the audio clip from the '90s in which Trump told radio host Howard Stern that avoiding STDs while dating is his "personal Vietnam."
Everybody including Trump will be kneeling when that first first mushroom cloud appears. Let's all worry about football while the two narcissists taunt one another into starting the final war.
lustylad's Avatar
"He merely expressed his personal sentiments on the issue of respecting our national anthem."
His personal opinion don't (sic) mean shit.
He is a draft dodging lying racist dotard and chickened out of being in the military... Originally Posted by Observing
Holy Chit! Again you deflect! Look... let's stipulate that Trump is a draft dodger who never served, ok?

That has nothing to do with the fact that you vigorously defend the free speech rights of Colin Kaepernick but remain completely silent (even after I asked you 3 times) regarding the free speech rights of workers and CEOs at Mozilla, Chick-Fil-A and Google.