More Absentee Voter Ballot Drop Boxes being added.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Here's one out of an entire flatbed truckload:

matchingmole's Avatar
And Trump will deliver it..
Dang carpenter dude. You should have at least covered you face and put on next week's overalls
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Dang carpenter dude. You should have at least covered you face and put on next week's overalls Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Even a couple pros teased me.
But no not me, that's just one of several million small farmers who will not vote dimo.
I'm constantly amused that the dims ignore small business folk. Just one small business person probably can swing the vote of entire family, plus entire families of all employees.
winn dixie's Avatar
libs need those drop boxes for their ballot harvesting scheme to steal the election
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
I think all you Trump Rabble should vote Absentee AND by Mail..together. You could show up to vote too, just to make sure your ballot is counted.

Good Advice from your fearless leader. . Even Fat guy Barr says he's seen guys fill out multiple ballots. Ready to vote.

Don't worry if it's illegal...Old Donnie Boy says its OK....He breaks the law everyday and he gets away with it.

Then go for it....

What have you got to lose? But Don't forget now...Vote for Trump.

He will be soooo happy you did. LOL.
  • oeb11
  • 09-08-2020, 02:14 PM
Garter snake - you disclose the DPST racist plan for the election - which they will steal by vote harvesting and ballot stuffing - just the usual opeations of the DPST party.

When will U wise up and get off their plantation of fake promises and Lies - ???
DPST party gives only welfare programs to keep black peoples enslaved in their shithole cities.

Self -reliance and hard work to make a success of oneself - Oh - but u can't do that -

rather be on the welfare dime.