NC/NS in houston

I've only been here a month... but I've already had 12 no shows. Given -- not all these people are on ECCIE... I take calls from a multitude of websites - BUT some of these guys have turned out to be real jerks...

one said (After me texting "are you still coming??" - "No..I don't see whores" then text all kinds of nasty things 6-7 texts.

If any other ladies are interested in the #'s of people who NCNS I'm happy to share.... and if any want to share with me..I'm happy to put them on my NS list.

I find NCNS extremely rude!! I understand life happens, you can get cold feet, work calls you in, etc -- BUT LET A PERSON KNOW! On every no show, I tend to lose at least 1.5 hrs of possible work time. I treat my "job" seriously. I make appts, I never double book, I treat people with respect, and I expect the same.

NCNS's disrespect the other person. To not respect that we are human, we have bills, families, friends, etc -- and our jobs are just like theirs... they keep us moving forward. It makes me feel de-humanized when people don't even give an ounce of respect.

This does go both ways... whether it's the client or the provider.... I'm writing from the provider point of view obviously, but either way, the disrespect isn't cool!
jimmycz's Avatar
Drop them in the grease and send the ones who are here names to the Mods girl. Wrong is just that WRONG!
Sounds like you're running a lot of BP ads. The BP attracts those kinds of guys. I'm had ladies tell me a guy wants to book an overnight for 1k, never answers the phons for confirmation. Guys schedule, no show. Your best bet is to use eccie as your main source of apts, and check their posts. Screen like hell the BP guys to weed them out. NCNS are a bitch on both sides of the table, but I believe it's worth with BP guys.
The Wildflower Group
"Don't like NC/NS, but absolutely LOVE CIM".
Mojojo's Avatar
Your right it works both ways, if a member on here NCNS you blast their handle. .... Hope it gets better for you
Jack Flash's Avatar
SNBecky, you got me clicking all over the place looking for your showcase.. Get one up!

And what they said!

Edit a few mins later::: I found a link to your site.
what is the "showcase"... sorry- I'm new to this site..haven't figured it all out yet (working on it though) .... glad you found my site
Jack Flash's Avatar
Since you are verified you should be able to go to your user control panel and click the "add showcase" or something like that.
what is the "showcase"... sorry- I'm new to this site..haven't figured it all out yet (working on it though) .... glad you found my site Originally Posted by sweetnaughtybecky
Becky, you should have gotten a letter that explains everything you need to know. Just read it.
Sarunga's Avatar
12 NCNSs in a month is a LOT, which means something is clearly not working for you....and you need to adjust. Heed the above advice.
thank you I figured out the showcase... blonde moment I guess. I do use many venues for I understand --- but since I'm very new to the area I need as much advertising exposure as I can... I've only met 4 people from ECCIE in the last month... needless to say... I can't survive on only one venue LOL Hugs to the people I've met so far... and thank you for all your help!!!!
It has kinda been the season of the flakes. There are still enough good guys out there to more than make up for it though.
not all of us nc/ns. and yes, we do have other engagements that come up. a pattern...i would check out whats wrong. maybe the bp advertising is a bit much or LE is just poking the surface with you.
OK, guys. Saw her recently....she is very sweet so DON'T be a douche with the NCNS thing. Would like to see her stick around. And I think JustAnotherDude is on to something with one of his posts, as there may indeed be a bad case of cock blocking, etc., going on in Houston. Knock it off.