The Obamanation

I read somewhere that If you really want to know how the economy is: Ask a Working Girl.

What do you say girls, Is the economy getting better, getting worse, or staying the same?
Jack Flash's Avatar
Oh this should be good if they respond.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I can't speak for anyone else but this has been a much better year for me than the previous two.
BrittneyGolden's Avatar
I believe that it is bad out there for alot of people right now, however, it is only as bad or good for us as we make it. You can sit on the couch and complain about how bad things are, or you can be proactive and try to change your situation.
Captain Gus's Avatar
It is bad out there the last 2 years has been my worst time in my 30 years in the construstion business;
In my business my competion is doing work for no profits or just trying to keep the cash flowing;
Its really bad for the construction business ,,,the banks do not want to loan anybody any money to buy a new home or renovate ther existing homes;;;

For example ;;last week i bid a commercial jod with another company and our bid was $350,000.00 bucks with a 10 persent over head and a 15 percent profit for the main contractor and my profits was around 12% and the other contractors price was $ 175,000.00 plus another $50.000.00 dollars of extras work that our customer wanted to do;
You do the math;;;not good at all;;;