
Some of you might not believe this story but this just happened to me as I'm writing this. I just don't have anyone to talk to about this specific issue so I'm coming to my online community for venting, so in advance, thank you for reading.

I spent the whole week in Vegas and tonight is my last night, going back home tomorrow. Looking for some action, I stumbled into a PS provider, a real PS, her videos are all over the web (a lot of videos) and I verified it myself as part of doing my research (including AVA nominations). Her rates were very reasonable for being Vegas, so I went ahead and scheduled with her. The first time, the appointment fell through, so she promised she would make it up to me the next day. Sure enough, we met tonight at one of the bars in my hotel. We had some drinks (I had water, no alcohol) and we started chatting. We hit it off like I've never had with any girl, not even civvies. So we spoke for a long time about life and family, etc. etc. Then we went to dance as a live band was playing. To make the story short, we were up until 2:30AM dancing between bars and clubs in my hotel, having a blast, and all this time wasn't against the clock, that was the first thing she told me after we first met.

So now it's 3:00AM and we're up in my room ready for the clock to start ticking and guess what? Junior decides he doesn't want to play, we tried and we tried and we tried and we tried and junior was stubborn. We finally gave up, she got dressed, of course I took care of business as it wasn't her fault that junior was being stubborn and it was the least I could do for 4 hours of fun between the bars and clubs dancing and just having a great time like if we were a real couple.

So now you can see my frustration, my chance to really do something that I rarely would have the opportunity to do and junior takes the balls home and doesn't want to play. WTF?

Thanks for reading!
sixxbach's Avatar
wow man......... maybe junior isn't into getting to know the girl??!!!

but at least you can say u spent all that time with a porn star.

thanks for sharing!
levibob56's Avatar
There are pills for that! LOL Sad story.I'll PM you for her #.LOL
Real life sucks sometimes.
hobbydude......I feel your pain.......so do our friends from Pfizer.It's WELL WORTH the small investment for insurance. This phenomenom you experienced with Junior has happened with ALL of us at one time or another. You knew in the back of your mind that your were having a great time AND you were gonna bang a bonafide porn star!!! What a great story to tell your buddies at the next poker party!!!When it was "show time",it was like someone put a .357 Magnum in your mouth and said "Get it up or I'll blow your brains out"!!!Our friends from Pfizer understand that too. I can't wait for you to return to Vegas to redeem yourself. I hope you didn't tell her you were from Texas. We've gotta a reputation to keep up here ya know.....did you tell her New Jersey or Rhode Island....one of those wussie states?
That's exactly right. It was like the build up of the evening was too much to handle and my brain went into shut down mode. Well, I asked her to stop by Texas if she ever had the opportunity, so don't be embarrased, it might actually be good for all of us in the area .
runswithscissors's Avatar
Please tell me you at least got photographed with this star! Something to show back home to the boys!

I think if you look in the gift shop in our beautiful ECCIE lobby you will find a t-shirt that many of us have that have been in your exact position. Mine is navy blue.

A combination of Vegas in overdrive, the club scene and little johnny screaming I AM WITH A PORN STAR, NO ONE WILL BELEIVE ME cost you the goal line. But it sounds like you had a killer time anyway. Thanks for the story and you are now a club member.................
Onceler's Avatar
Great.. AND brutal story. Stand up of you to still do the right thing for her time even though I'm sure the last thing you wanted was her to leave.

Let us know if she comes to town.

...laying down on the job...
AidanRedd's Avatar
Yeah shit happens like that sometimes. Go buy a package of those Stiff Night pills, I haven't tried one personally but they do have great reviews. There is nothing more frustrating than "over stimulus".

Sounds like you had a real fun night till then though.

Can we see a link of the ps?
GneissGuy's Avatar
Don't forget that you can still have a lot of fun even without an erection. Don't worry about it too much, don't try to hard. Who knows, when you relax, junior may wake up.
3 am is for sleeping.
blenderhead's Avatar
Don't tell me you didn't try to put on some of her porn? I don't think my little buddy could have slept through that.
Don't forget that you can still have a lot of fun even without an erection. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
TFF GneissGuy.......that's like telling your 8 year old soccer goalie son that just got crushed 8-0 that you're so proud of him for not crying on the field.
sux dude; but it happens to everybody sooner or later. I felt really embarrassed when it happened to me but luckily I was with someone understanding that I had seen before. As Forrest Gump says "shit happens".
You guys are great. I know I can at least get a laugh out of the situation now. I know it's bound to happen sooner or later, unfortunately it was that specific night. Maybe next time, because there will be a next time, that I'm sure of. I'm not giving up on this item on my bucket list, absolutely not.

Thanks for everyone's comments, some make me laugh, some make me feel better, that's what a community is about.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-01-2010, 10:26 AM
Plan of action:
  1. Visit your doctor and pick up some insurance. Easy to get some free samples, won't cost you anything but the visit, and sometimes those are part of your plan as well, so no out-of-pocket expense.
  2. Book that return trip to Vegas when Miss Porn Star will be there.
  3. Have a f***ing awesome "date"!

This happens to the best of us, don't let it affect your hobbying.