Where is the gop budget???

This is not another copy and paste bullshit post that takes up a whole page to divert divert divert blame blame blame just to look stupid

Dems have a budget and are willing to negotiate butt the cluless gop committees have no budget or ideas

One blue party is elected to govern and do what's expected. The reds are just really really really fucked.

Maybe some mega can defend the do nothing reds party...yeah right always angry mofos
matchingmole's Avatar
Best that they don't have one....math is not one of their strong points

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you do know that the budget is under negotiation with biden?

they have to pass stuff that will go thru the dem controlled senate.

FYI, the budget doesn't get done in 3 months.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess they didn't make a School House Rock version of how budgets are made. The House makes a budget but there is not set time table other than the end of the fiscal year. Biden does not make a budget. He makes a suggestion. It is not a budget so there is NO democrat budget. I think this post is premature (is there rest of your life like this?), wait, until about July or August when a budge really needs to be on the table.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I guess they didn't make a School House Rock version of how budgets are made. The House makes a budget but there is not set time table other than the end of the fiscal year. Biden does not make a budget. He makes a suggestion. It is not a budget so there is NO democrat budget. I think this post is premature (is there rest of your life like this?), wait, until about July or August when a budge really needs to be on the table. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
when newt ran the house, he got it done by july or august.

nowadays, the budget doesn't get done by November thats assuming there are no hiccups. if there is one, it rolls into December or janurary.

the hiccups im referring to is the hostage taking on fed employees salary by congress.
Of course Biden presented a budget and of course the fucked up gop partys talked shit about it. That's just another way Biden is owning the fucked up do nothing gop parties. Dems accomplish things in harmony with some of the smart republicans omg helping. Gop just bash dems and fight other gop parties and accomplish nothin. Except looking really really really stupid and always trying to suk some lying fucker dick

America is watching how the gop is not cutting spending not working on a budget not working on the border not working on inflation not... doing anything butt acting tuff...everybody remembers the tuff ass running man pumping his tuff fist. (Or was that a lie???) He's back to shit talking tuff again making no fucking since just like the screamer in chief jorden little dick

Only certain districts in certain states think doing nothing butt bashing hard working dems is a great game plan for the really really really fucked up gop parties along with spinning wheels on the to stupid for prime time committees. Comedians love it though

Btw...can any of the megas on here that know everything name how many gop parties there actual are and whose the boss? (Oh hell no) Everybody already knows the mega extremist are controlled by the whacked out always pissed off ape shit screaming bullshit underpaid mtg. She gets her dick suked by mcart nearly as much as orange man suked putin's dick

Anywho...since the whole world knows except megas that the gop has no clue about budgets or facts maybe a mega can name some cuts the fucked up gop parties want to use to cut excessive spending since Biden schooled them on National tv that ss and medicare are off limits. (oh hell no they can't answer again)

The gop thinks massive handouts to wealthy are off limits. Gop parties think that the under paid overworked school teachers need to pay out the ass though. And damn teachers never forget that the gop will tell you what to teach and how it should be taught and what damn coloring books you can use since they think America has always been perfect. Just cover up all the bad shit we did to non whites. Steal land and make people work it. Gop loves to cancel things they don't like and that don't look good

The "weaponized" gop parties are even trying to control att direct TV. That's a whole different fucked up gop parties discussion though. So many and so little time for the facts

That's all folks. Short and just the sweet facts. I'm not going to copy and paste pages of bullshit rumors that no smart person with a life would actually read. Can you say wasted space

There IS more to life than always being batshit crazy angry about the dems winning and owning the gops

Dictated butt not read so if you don't like it fuck you morons 🐔😂 like i give a shit. You just way toooo easy

No I'm not driving tonight butt maybe i started a little early. Oh well fuck it And let the good times roll
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You know that we've given TS the opportunity to give a shit and disavow Biden but let's talk about WHAT IS IN THE BIDEN BUDGET.

Tax hikes are number one. Of course, they are only on billionaires and millionaires. Anyone still believes that? Let's assume for a minute that only the very rich will be taxed. Those are the people who have grand houses constructed which employs carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. Those rich can now build their grand palaces in Costa Rica and Ireland. They also buy yachts and planes which are also made by regular people. We saw what happened when Clinton taxes the boat building industry nearly to death. I was living in Florida at the time and I saw the shut down shipyards with "closed" signs on them.

So, lets hear it for tax hikes that WILL filter down to everyone.

Speaking of taxes, how about the capital gains tax and business tax? We'd have a tax rate that rivals communist China. Of course, we also have Jennifer Granholm saying that we should emulate China. She is a Canadian and our Secretary of Energy. But those taxes...they affect everyone who has a job. Money that would go towards pay raises, bonuses, expansion, modernization would now go to Washington DC and for what? What did DC do to rate demanding higher taxes? Not a damn thing.

Yeah, lets hear it for tax increases. You on board for that TS?

How about all that spending on "green" energy. Yeah, we're doing that again even after it turned out to be a waste of money and time under Obama. By the way, you ever notice how you never see Obama and Biden's mouth moving at the same time? Jeff Dunham has nothing on Obama. Hundreds of billions of dollars and the vast majority will end up in China.

More money for Ukraine without accountability. I'm for helping Ukraine but I'd like to see where that money is going. Ukraine has earned a reputation for corruption. I can see a meme where two, tired fighters are being propped up by us and China so they can continue to fight. It's being disguised as an increase in the defense budget. Which we need by the way. What does 290 mean? It is the number of combat ships in the US navy and that includes the USS Constitution of all things. So much for Mr. Reagan's 600 ship navy. That also includes support vessels that can't fire a shot but they are haze gray.

Support Medicare with more money (what happened to Obamacare?) but not Social Security. Interesting choice...

Support Obamacare with more money.

Once again, bail out those college grads who owe money. About 400 billion dollars worth.

Make college more affordable by increasing Pell Grants. You know what happens then...tuition increases by all the universities who just can't pass up that low hanging fruit.

Make food more available? Really? How exactly? 15 billion dollars for school lunch programs to cover 9 million children. That would be $1600 per student for nine months, if they let them back in the classroom. So, take money from the farmer's children to give it to the city children. You remember those lunches from when you were a kid? Nope, not those lunches, these are Michelle Obama lunches where an artichoke is considered a vegetable.

I could go on but I'm still waiting for TS to take a stand for this budget and all the spending.

Back on topic bashing Barcon. We know what is in Biden budget. He is just owning the gop as usual that will never have a budget. They have lots of bogus committees though

Back on topic bashing Barcon. We know what is in Biden budget. He is just owning the gop as usual that will never have a budget. They have lots of bogus committees though Originally Posted by Tsmokies
He has no budget, just a big mouth that spews nothing but nonsense.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A budget that will not pass is not a budget. Anymore than that erection you promised her when you know you would not deliver.

Mtg ordered her puppet to say this. Even though we have no budget or no clue The really really stupid fucking morans will eat this blame game shit up as always

Now drop to your knees mcart and suc my gross stinky cock that I just pulled out of the cancun cruz fat stinky ass.
Hey, I feel you on how frustrating it is to see the government playing games with people and their budgets. It's like they're not taking responsibility for their actions. While we pay for it out of our own pockets. In the meantime, I managed to cut some costs by revising some of my payments. It's amazing how much money you can save just by looking at your bills and seeing where you can make adjustments. And speaking of finances, I recently discovered the best budget planner app out there, and it's been a game-changer for me. It helps me keep track of my expenses and income and create a budget that I can stick to. Maybe our government can try it too for budget planning.
Thanks for the info. My budget is doing just fine though. I can enjoy life 24/7/365 and not have to be a no lifer on here

The fucked up gop still have no budget or a clue. They can't agree on anything except whose turn it is to suk some mtg skanky dick and "try" to blame the blue sky dems for the massive gop failures
This is not another copy and paste bullshit post that takes up a whole page to divert divert divert blame blame blame just to look stupid

Dems have a budget and are willing to negotiate butt the cluless gop committees have no budget or ideas

One blue party is elected to govern and do what's expected. The reds are just really really really fucked.

Maybe some mega can defend the do nothing reds party...yeah right always angry mofos Originally Posted by Tsmokies
So there is a Dem budget and a GOP budget? Pick the one you like you most and quit complaining. Personally I don't need a Government budget of any kind they don't pay my bills so screw'em.