UTR provider may not want reviews

Hi Folks,
I'm friends with a UTR provider who just got her first review on this site. She is very conflicted about it. She isn't a registered provider on the site and I'm helping her try to sort this out. Is there a procedure for her to get reviews deleted if she doesn't want reviews?
Easiest way, have her contact the reviewer, and have him request the review be deleted.

Other than that, will be hard for us to delete it without some discussion with her.

since she doesn't know who it is by the handle, how does she start the discussion with the mods? It was good to meet you on Weds.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Why not do like all other NO REVIEW providers do and simply have her email the staff directly with the request?

Unless ECCIE has a different policy for escorts to request a NO REVIEW policy, that is who escorts, UTR or not, did it and do it on most other sites.
I can look at email address, PM me with her info and we can coordinate.

Thanks, let me be sure she knows what she wants, so we aren't making an undue effort.