What Makes a Legend?

Caitie Mae's Avatar
I had a conversation yesterday with a gentleman in which there was a reference made to someone whom he called "a legend," and I've been thinking about that term off and on ever since. More precisely, I've wondered from what set of criteria a legend is defined.

In this context, I'm just wondering about legends within The Hobby, but don't assume that I'm asking what makes a provider legendary. The question applies to legendary hobbyists as well.

Feel free to name names if you wish; clearly, there are those among us (or formerly so) who have become so legendary that their names have become synonymous with actions. (Raise your hand if you've ever been Hootered.) There are legends among us famous for having marketing genius to match their amazing skills; many men in Dallas are ever-hopeful of receiving a PM from a lovely lady who selects the men she wishes to meet rather than the other way around. We've also seen more than one "pick me!" legends who respond to every ISO regardless of her qualification.

In the opposite corner, there are men who are legends for defending this lady or that. Some hobbyists are ever-informative whether they know what they're talking about or not. Some ever-helpful and considerate and humble. Instigators, mediators, regulators, name-changers and fellas who just have to have the last word. There are legendary reviewers and some who are legends for high post counts and non-existent review counts. Some are even known for physical characteristics. (Raise your hand if you've met a that doc with a certain feature which is likely visible from space.)

What I'm curious about is YOUR criteria for the making of a legend on either side of The Hobby. I'm curious how many of you who are legendary to me will chime in.

Whether you chime in here or not, I hope everyone of your Hobby encounters are legendary!

berkleigh's Avatar
Good Thread!
I will be curious to read this

My STARFISH is Legendary...because no one has mastered it yet

(Throws head back and laughs)
uncle buck 50's Avatar
To me the ladies who are legendary are the ones who combine great skills, good looks and good business practices while oozing sexiness from every pore--but put on no false pretenses about who they are. BTW...i prefer "living legends"...

My legends? At the risk of leaving someone out....

Taylor4play....awesome woman, legendary skills and spectacular company...been in the biz a long time and has had a role in this hobby for years. No drama that i ever knew of, just one of the women that comes to mind when i think of a first class companion or "legend"....very literate if you ever get to read some of her writings...She may be retired, haven't seen her in quite a while....last i knew, she could be the consummate lady at dinner, then turn you inside out after. Great lady!

Catie Mae.....The Catie Mae Experience---everything "THEY" said it was--and then some. Warm, willing, sexy and cares about the one she's with. Get that blog back sweets! Another writer with skills! If there's anything you can do that's more fun than be with Catie, please let me know!

Reese Foster....she's got her own fan club and it seems like everyone wants to be prez or hold some kind of office in it. Warm, pretty...sensitive, and most important, capable of being a friend in addition to all the other good stuff. Curiously, she can write some stuff that can give you the "vapors" and make you crave a cold shower and a ciggy, even if you don't smoke.

Other legends that I know are Dragonfly, Jaxx, Stiletto Kitty--all in the Legendary class to me because of their phenomenal combination of looks, skills and personality. You don't hear bad things or see bad reviews of them because they are lovely, great company and a pleasure to be with.

These are my "Legends". They set a standard in the Hobby in this area that precious few can measure up to.
uncle buck 50's Avatar
Oh...i knew it. One glaring omission....IF there were more providers like Miss Honey Rose--there wouldn't be as many NCNS threads and threads that deal with pimps in the bathtub and whether you need to pack a pistol to your provider's incall.

Never drama, never a no-show, nothing but beauty and consistent performance. If she came to Fort Worth more often, i'd have been broke years ago. Again, one of the great companions and quite a legend.

If you've seen her, you understand.

One of the real class acts in the area, beautiful and so pleasant to be with.
Good thread, Catie...for me, the legendary status is acquired over time. Providers that have been around for years, give great service, have a stable of us guys that can't stay away from them...

DFW is loaded with legendary Providers...Super Providers I call them. And whenever I see one for the 1st time, I always have a great time. You've read her numerous "thumbs up" reviews, you can't wait to meet her...then...the anticipation when I'm knocking on that door and she opens it with that big smile and hug...you just know you're gonna be IN FOR IT...

Just doesn't get any better than the 1st date with a legendary Provider.
Oh...i knew it. One glaring omission....IF there were more providers like Miss Honey Rose--there wouldn't be as many NCNS threads and threads that deal with pimps in the bathtub and whether you need to pack a pistol to your provider's incall.

Never drama, never a no-show, nothing but beauty and consistent performance. If she came to Fort Worth more often, i'd have been broke years ago. Again, one of the great companions and quite a legend.

If you've seen her, you understand.

One of the real class acts in the area, beautiful and so pleasant to be with. Originally Posted by uncle buck 50
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 09-04-2011, 06:45 AM
I am very curious as well Caitie Mae and Berkleigh, for the simple reason I have had gentleman walk through my door and say OMG you're a legend and I am finally getting to meet you... (its like are you kidding me, I am just me!!) And I am also wondering exactly what the word means to you men?
So are you saying that if a lady has no shows or cancels a lot wouldn't be considered a Legend, or who has inconsistency in their sessions or YMMV?....
Wow!!! What a nice thread to find this morning.


Caitie Mae, I love love love the examples. (You left out The CME . A lady whose experience is so unique, it becomes an acronym!)

Here's my contribution: Can anyone quickly name the "Shaking My Head" provider?

To me the ladies who are legendary are the ones who combine great skills, good looks and good business practices while oozing sexiness from every pore--but put on no false pretenses about who they are.

legendary skills and spectacular company...been in the biz a long time and has had a role in this hobby for years. No drama

You don't hear bad things or see bad reviews of them because they are lovely, great company and a pleasure to be with. Originally Posted by uncle buck 50

there wouldn't be as many NCNS threads and threads that deal with pimps in the bathtub and whether you need to pack a pistol to your provider's incall.

Never drama, never a no-show, nothing but beauty and consistent performance. Originally Posted by uncle buck 50

DFW is loaded with legendary Providers...Super Providers I call them. You've read her numerous "thumbs up" reviews. Originally Posted by Prolongus

I am also wondering exactly what the word means to you men? So are you saying that if a lady has no shows or cancels a lot wouldn't be considered a Legend, or who has inconsistency in their sessions or YMMV?.... Originally Posted by fawn
Ms Fawn, IMHO: Those are just a couple of things that makes a Legend. I have pointed out the comments above that truly makes a Legend. Men just want to go to the Candy store without the worry of the above statements. Only after Time Tested, can we be sure that she is a LEGEND.

Lana Warren's Avatar

Here's my contribution: Can anyone quickly name the "Shaking My Head" provider?
Originally Posted by HoneyRose

Nina Ross

I was hoping to never see that name again.....thanks Honey for ruining my day! LOL!
So are you saying that if a lady has no shows or cancels a lot wouldn't be considered a Legend, or who has inconsistency in their sessions or YMMV?.... Originally Posted by fawn
I think 'legendary' could be positive OR negative. I can think of quite a few ladies who are legendary flakes, or legendary for always having a crisis, or legendary YMMV.

On the other hand, some are legendary with good reason. Jenna aka Spikebaby, for example, is the first provider that comes to mind when I think 'active' legend. She is all class, gorgeous, consistent, and has made a great contribution over the years to the boards and to the hobby. And holy crap she has a very naughty monkey!

There are lots of others but Jenna is the shit.

Any lady that has been around for any length of time, is a legend for one reason or another. Everyone has their OWN fan club, some with more vocal fans than others LOL. But at the end of the day, everyone is legendary for different reasons.
Sorry, Lana.
Palate cleanser!!

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 09-04-2011, 09:28 AM
I think 'legendary' could be positive OR negative. I can think of quite a few ladies who are legendary flakes, or legendary for always having a crisis, or legendary YMMV.

Preach it Dannie... this is so true!!!

On the other hand, some are legendary with good reason. Jenna aka Spikebaby, for example, is the first provider that comes to mind when I think 'active' legend. She is all class, gorgeous, consistent, and has made a great contribution over the years to the boards and to the hobby. And holy crap she has a very naughty monkey!

There are lots of others but Jenna is the shit.

Any lady that has been around for any length of time, is a legend for one reason or another. Everyone has their OWN fan club, some with more vocal fans than others LOL. But at the end of the day, everyone is legendary for different reasons. Originally Posted by Dannie
I wholeheartedly agree with you Dannie.....

Thank you, copierguy
Traveler64's Avatar

1. A skill set that sets her well apart from the pack. This obviously varies among ladies but as examples; a real appetite for sex without acting, a heart of kindness for people way above that appropriate for the hobby, wit/humor befitting a comedian, and the usual physical attribute/s that make men salivate. Obviously, one does not usually find all these attributes in a single lady.

2. A collection of experiences and interactions between a lady and gentlemen that all remember. Examples: simple good times at socials, arranged good-nature practical jokes, an out of the ordinary BCD event usually involving things outside the bedroom.

3. A set of decent individuals and a forum to relate these events over and over so that the lore and legends are built. Sometimes this is in public and sometimes it is behind the scenes.

FYI - I was never 'hootered'. She was legendary for being difficult to schedule. To me, it wasn't worth the effort.
Three ladies that I hear about all the time are clearly "legends". They are Fawn, Reese Foster and Honey Rose. You know you are a legend when other providers say you are.