BYO Condoms?

huskerguyomaha's Avatar
This question is more geared towards the ladies, but of course anyone's input is welcome.

Would it be a major breach hobby etiquette if a guy were to bring his own condoms and ask to use them? I've found that with some of the ladies I've visited, their choice of condoms left a lot to be desired. With one lady the only thing she had were Trojan Magnums. Now I am no needle dick, but I'm not exactly a Magnum guy either, LOL. With another the ones she had were so tight I thought it was going to turn blue before I finished. Or with others their brand was so thick I couldn't feel anything and Mr. Johnson quickly lost interest. I would wager that just about every guy has his own personal preference. Kind of a three bears thing - "This one is just right", LOL.

In no way do I expect a provider have a wide selection from which to choose. After all, they are not the family planning aisle at CVS. And obviously it could present problems for a provider to get busted by LE and have several dozen boxes of condoms in their purse. But would it be a no-no for a guy even ask use his own? Of course the provider would have the final say-so. If she objected, end of story. No big deal, we would just use hers.

You might really want to read this thread from May of last year . . .

I have a large selection / assortment available at ALL times, I may even have the exact same condom my partner may have brought along (if one was brought along at all) - but, it is MY responsibility as a professional to supply them. And it is my responsibility to be prepared for ANY and every contingency.

My condoms will always be the (only) ones I'll use, they have been in my possession and control and I have paid very close attention to their proper storage (avoiding having them been stored in extreme heat or cold) and I check the expiration dates often (yes, they have one). Mine have not been in a wallet in my back pocket for a few months (or years) . . . bottom line, as a professional lady, I will have more than enough from which a client may choose from comfortably and find one he may like (or several he may like to try), including ALWAYS having a non-latex preference that suits me best which I have found to be acceptable for most men (and I'll have various sizes too, both larger and smaller - usually four sizes in all). The better the fit, the better the sensation (so I have been told, again and again). I am often complimented on my forethought in this regard. Gentlemen have told me that having a proper fit with a superior condom is a whole new level of comfort and sensation that has been afforded them - they are completely overwhelmed with the experience!

There are gentlemen that will intentionally tamper with condoms, seek out condoms with high a breakage rate, bring the wrong size (too small) or leave them in a hot car in a glove box knowing anything they can do to weaken the barrier gains them a bareback experience (which is what they are after). Unfortunately, there are many gentlemen that think this is somewhat "sport" and a game (intentionally breaking the condom) . . . my health is the second most important thing in my life, second only to the health and well being of my child (for him I would step in front of a train if need be without any hesitation) . . . and there is no cost too great or an inconvenience to my time too large for me to acquire a proper, reliable, diverse and fun selection of condoms to ensure my safety. I'll have on average seven or eight different brands of condoms available (in four or more sizes as I mentioned), and I always use mine - always. No exceptions. Ever. Period. Nothing you can see with the naked eye upon examination makes it safe to use a condom a client may have brought . . . regardless if it has been "unsealed" before you. And I'm not speaking about the client intentionally trying to "get one over" on a lady, it may be simple mishandling (as I described previously), it may be stored improperly (especially if it has been hidden from a significant other) or it may have an improper fit (when he believes it fits well) - it isn't worth the risk in any instance.

Lately, I have found gentlemen to been trending towards a preference for Crown Skinless Skins and Kimono -

I adore condom depot. If I am between orders / shipments, I will always suggest my favorite, which is Skyn (a Polyisoprene condom - which is also available in larger sizes now). Although, I'm absolutely open to using anything from my selection . . . that is why I have a selection, after all.

Please, ladies (and gentlemen), never use a natural sheep intestine condom (known as "lambskin") - NEVER - they offer NO effective barrier against HIV and most all other STD's and if the gentleman is latex sensitive, there are much better alternatives on the market.

Please, be safe - ladies, bring your own and shop ahead for an assortment which will be sure to please . . . make your safety fun with your client! You'll both be at ease! And, your clients will thank you! Is it expensive to get started by purchasing a selection of different condoms? Absolutely! Is it worth every penny spent? You are damn right it is . . .

Some ladies may argue that this is "overkill" or too much work, too much trouble . . they may bring three or four different condoms and think that it is enough - but what happens when he has forgotten his Magnum XL in his rush of excited anticipation to see you and all you have is a standard condom or possibly a standard Magnum that won't fit correctly and he may be leaving disappointed, after being constrained into a condom that fits poorly? The responsibility was ultimately the lady's to be prepared for anything.

The last thing I want is a disappointed client, for ANY reason. Maybe I do go the extra mile as far as condoms are concerned, but I tend to go that extra mile in everything I do in furthering my continued success in this endeavor, and it shows - both in my pocketbook and in the smiling faces of my very select clientele.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
I can only speak for myself and there's no way in hell I'd use condoms that a client brought with him. I've seen first hand and heard too many horror stories about guys bringing their own condoms and they poked holes in them or they're expired, etc.

A good provider will have an assortment of condoms to choose from.

Myself, I'm limited to 4 different sizes and types because of allergies. But, I don't buy the cheap ass condoms and no one has complained yet.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Elena & Jackie - Thanks for the feedback. I know I can always count on you for an honest answer. And Jackie thanks for the link to the thread from last year. I don't read the KC board and would have never seen it.

I also had wondered about the sabotage issue, past expiration, etc and can see why with any provider with half a brain the answer would not only be no, but hell no.

I guess if I want an upgrade in condoms maybe I should seriously consider upgrading my choice of providers. Might not be able to play as often but would probably have a better experience. Getting tired of the BP budget providers.
Happy to help, @huskerguyomaha.

Be safe; choose wisely.


- Jackie
It's nice to hear about providers that are so considerate and professional. I had two early experiences where two different providers had NO condoms at all. I left right away, but I was surprised that it happened. It made me wonder at the time whether I was supposed to bring my own. It's helpful to read threads like this.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Gentlemen, another option may be to request to your vendor to bring a specific brand of "product". This would probably only work after you have established yourself to said vendor. This may incur additional renumeration to said vendor for the time and cost of acquiring said product, but will also solve the vendors issue of expiration date and span of control of said product. This solves the customer satisfaction issue while maintaining estabished safety guidelines.

So I guess they wouldn't be impressed if I brought a French Tickler from the vending machine restroom of the strip club.
Personally I like to bring my own. First of all I like the Magnums because they are comfortable. I learned that showing up w/o one and the lady not having the right one can make for an unsatisfying encounter. Secondly, I have shown up for appointments where the lady did not have any condoms and the meeting was less than what I was expecting. Finally, if you know what condoms you like, why not carry and extra one to help avoid #1 and #2? Seriously, not a big deal!
Personally I like to bring my own. First of all I like the Magnums because they are comfortable. I learned that showing up w/o one and the lady not having the right one can make for an unsatisfying encounter. Secondly, I have shown up for appointments where the lady did not have any condoms and the meeting was less than what I was expecting. Finally, if you know what condoms you like, why not carry and extra one to help avoid #1 and #2? Seriously, not a big deal! Originally Posted by beckerpa
The problem for some is if they are hiding the hobby from a SO or someone else.