Ladies who say "No AA" and this African American mans experience as a new Hobbyist

Now let me preference the question I ask below by saying, I respect everyones preference or right to see who they want to see. I sure as hell respect a lady's right to choose who she is willing to share her body with. Hell, we all have preferences whether we want to admit it or even know it.

Now let me preference the question I ask below by saying, I respect everyones preference or right to see who they want to see. I sure as hell respect a lady's right to choose who she is willing to share her body with. Hell, we all have preferences whether we want to admit or even know it.

Ok, my questions is for all you ladies who post in your ads "NO AA" or for all you ladies who don't post it but don't see "AA". By the way, still being somewhat new to the "Hobby World", I just I found out about 2 weeks or so ago that "No AA" means no African American men.

My question for you ladies that don't see African American men is, why don't you?

As I said before, I respect every ladies preference to choose who she wants to spend her time with or give her body to. I am asking the question because I am honestly curious about the reasons why.

I want to start with the story of my very first attempt to meet up with a lady. After reading so many reviews on different ladies. I found one that I liked particularly because the reviews talked about how she was "newbie friendly". I finally got up the nerve to reach out so I texted her and set up a time to meet at her incall location. I get there and she was is a very attractive lady. I get out of my car and start to walk towards her and I can immediately tell she was not expecting to see me. We sat for quite a while talking and I finally asked her if she was ok because it was getting very awkward and uncomfortable. She said, "well, I don't see African American men." Needless to say, I was caught off guard because it was honestly the last thing I expected her say. So, I said to her, "It's ok, I can tell you are really uncomfortable. I am going to take off and I am sorry this was such an awkward situation for you."

I leave and I am very perplex about the situation and quite honestly, didn't know what to think. Now because if that experience, I ask this question, "Are you ok with seeing a professional African American man?" I don't only ask this question to the white providers I have reached out to, I have also asked it to the African American providers. Yes, I have seen ads from African American ladies that say, "No AA".

I recently asked a lady who does see "AA" the question I proposed up top to all the ladies. She very willingly gave me two answers. The first answer I got was "a lot of girls don't want to see African American men because they have had bad experiences with them or they are thugs and pimps." The second answer I got was that "they are too big and the ladies don't want to deal with that."

The first thing that came to mind was, "I am sure ladies have had bad experiences with white men as well, but because they are white it is acceptable? The second thing that came to mind was not every white man has a small dick, just like every black man has a 12" dick.

This made for a very interesting conversation. So I asked her If she thought I was a thug or a pimp and her answer was and I quote, "Well, I didn't know you were African American until you asked me if I was ok with seeing a professional African American man. You didn't sound like a black guy on the phone; besides, you are a very good looking chocolate man." Now there are so many things wrong with that statement that I am not going to go into it.

I bring my question up honestly to understand. Is what she said true? The one thing she didn't mention was race as a reason why ladies won't see African American men. Yes, I have had some racial slurs thrown my way when I asked the question, "Are you ok with seeing an African American man." Maybe she was naive and didn't think that would be the case or maybe she just didn't want to admit that part because she thought it would hurt my feelings. I haven't had very many experiences since I joined OH2 and ECCIE three weeks ago. However, I have read so many ads where ladies say "No AA, No pimps, No thugs." I think to myself, is this how these ladies see or think of African American men?

Well, not every African American man is thug or a pimp and we don't all have 12' dicks. Most of us are highly educated and are professionals who do very well in our careers and treat ladies well and with respect.

For those few ladies I have been lucky enough spend time with, I say thank you. Hopefully the experience we had will let you know that at least this African American man knows how to have fun and treat a lady with respect.
This post I what is wrong with our society. Oh they won't bake a cake for me because I am gay. You say you respect their right to make a,decision who,to,see.,but do you really. Simple for the cake go to,another bakery, for you move on to another girl.
No, I don't have a problem and completely respect everyone's right to choose who they want to be with. As a father of beautiful bi-racial kids, I don't judge anyone. However, you miss my point which is the perception that an African American man is a pimp or a thug or has a dick that is too big. As for someone not wanting to see men simply because I am a black man, I could careless. I was just curious about the answers based on the experiences I have had.
mrredcat43's Avatar
They don't have to explain their decisions to you
And I am not asking them to!
Treetop78759's Avatar
One reason most of the hookers don't see AA is because most of the dudes won't see a hooker who sees AA.
This is true. I can't believe I'm agreeing with Treetop but that is the answer I get from clients sometimes. One gentleman who was I was seeing dropped me for that reason once he found out I see AA men. Another told me the same thing when talking about another provider who sees AA men. I've heard this frequently.

One reason most of the hookers don't see AA is because most of the dudes won't see a hooker who sees AA. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
God I miss the NBA Superthread...especially now that I have Merge Thread powers.
That makes sense now that I thinking about it. Maybe it's an inferiority complex or something. Who knows but for some reason, that puts a lot of this into perspective.


Treetop78759's Avatar
It's definitely an inferiority complex. Some dudes only see human trafficked sex slaves because they are to weak to see a strong willed independent hooker because of their inferiority complex. Sorry you have to deal with this ugly side of the hobby.
It's definitely an inferiority complex. Some dudes only see human trafficked sex slaves because they are to weak to see a strong willed independent hooker because of their inferiority complex. Sorry you have to deal with this ugly side of the hobby. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
And the insults just keep cominmy from this,loser. Who if i recall frequented amps in his day .
Damn Treetop, I disagree with you on a lot of issues but this is very true. Black men don't like to see black providers for the most part. It's just something that seems exotic about a white/hispanic/whatever else provider. I got hot with the I don't see AA when I came to the door of a provider, no problem, move on to the next. My money is green just like the next man or maybe it's just because I'm too beaucoup. A great provider I really wanted to see had this policy for a while and she laxed on her policy and we had a great session and she actually apologized for her misconception of all black men.
In no other context is it considered okay to even talk about complaining about a woman's sexual preferences and much less shame them because they aren't willing to see you. I mean imagine how most on the board and off would look at a dude going aggro against a lesbian for not liking guys.

Plus dude I don't think there has ever been a time when a guy has successfully whined his way into some girl's pants even in the hobby and with a donation. Which makes you and TT's comments about an inferiority complex almost entertaining.
Kamisearch's Avatar
In no other context is it considered okay to even talk about complaining about a woman's sexual preferences and much less shame them because they aren't willing to see you. I mean imagine how most on the board and off would look at a dude going aggro against a lesbian for not liking guys.

Plus dude I don't think there has ever been a time when a guy has successfully whined his way into some girl's pants even in the hobby and with a donation. Which makes you and TT's comments about an inferiority complex almost entertaining. Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2

Lol what? Its perfectly fine to complain about someones sexual preference especially it can be viewed as a racial, you are both open to free speech. True you should not shame in response but it is actually stupid to compare something a person has absolutely 0 control over (birth) to a choice like sexuality (lesbian).

In the end its her body and her choice so she can choose who she wants to offer it to but don't compare those 2 things because they are in no way similar. (I do agree about the never successfully whining into a girls pants, quite pathetic if someone were to go that far)
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
The OP voiced his observations thoughtfully and respectably. He also expressed frustration for how people of color are treated in our society. Sadly, it's only gotten worse in the last couple years. Yeah, it's so easy to be flippant when you are white and don't deal with the shit AA men and women deal with every day.

Maybe some of you have no empathy. But maybe you could find it within yourselves to show the OP just a little bit of respect.