How do you hide "Last Visit" on your profile member list?

I have a guy who emails me directly / and calls almost every time I visit this site. I have asked him politely to stop this. Basically I carry a smartphone and he doesn't get that just because I access the site on it, does not mean I am available right then and there. "But it shows you were just on the site like minutes ago!" is the crap I am dealing with. I have his email now blocked and put to spam. Phone however, not much I can do about that, I have a hobby phone that is just bare standard (no features other than text).

So I was trying to find in the CP USER area where to disable this damn feature so I don't have to deal with this.

I can't find it anywhere, and maybe I am just not seeing it. If any of you Houston moderators and or members here can help a gal out I would truly appreciate it.

Is he calling to set a date, or tell you how beautiful you are, or just being a pest? The first 2 choices are great, last one not so great. It sounds like he needs a friend. Suggest that he get a dog and name it GP so you can be around all the time!!!!!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Is he just a "guy" or a "client". If he is just a "guy" bothering you I would report it to a mod.
Rubchasertx's Avatar
Thanks Daph. Helped me too! (Even though I didn't realy have a problem)
Is he calling to set a date, or tell you how beautiful you are, or just being a pest? The first 2 choices are great, last one not so great. It sounds like he needs a friend. Suggest that he get a dog and name it GP so you can be around all the time!!!!!
xoxoxoxoxo Originally Posted by Ava Love

No he is some guy that hasn't actually past any of my screening, but seems to follow all my posts on the board. Not that I care, but getting the emails and calls every time I post or am on here is annoying. He seems to think I am not busy when I am on here or getting online. I utilize my smart phone and a tablet when I am out and about and I said as much.

Anyway, I just need to figure out how to disable that function. I really didn't realize that it shows time and date every time you access the site.

So if anyone knows how please let me know, or walk me through it!

click 'use invisible mode' Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
That is weird I thought I had that thing checked!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Actually that's not what she's referring to. That function hides your status currently online. As it is now for me.
She wants to hide the "last time she visited".
Which is a function I'd like to know how to utilize also if possible.
Jack Flash's Avatar
GP.. You busy right now.. Your online, so you must be free... come on baby... ahhh shit
GP.. You busy right now.. Your online, so you must be free... come on baby... ahhh shit Originally Posted by Jack Flash

Guess no one knows how to disable that function then?
Jack Flash's Avatar
actually i don't think you can
GP - On your phone, if he calls from the same number, can you set a ring tone for his number? If so, set it to silent. At least that way you ignore him in peace and quiet.
Does your phone have caller ID? If so, PM his number to some of us and let us make friends with him. By "make friends" I mean take a sh*t on this guy.
Does your phone have caller ID? If so, PM his number to some of us and let us make friends with him. By "make friends" I mean take a sh*t on this guy. Originally Posted by NorthWood
Please consider the ramifications of what might happen if this was done.
Do we really want any provider to be able to get on a board like this and sic a bunch of horny muscle bound perverts on anyone that may have pissed her about EXTREME White Knighting.!!

What do we get from being on the hit squad...lifetime free pussy...right...

Be real, she is getting unwanted phone calls...this seems to be advocating physical action...This is Texas, be careful.

If she really wanted to get rid of him, she could just have a session with him and he would move on to other strange pussy.

Believe me, these girls can take care of themselves...this is just a whine looking for a little cheese to go with it.

Using the invisible mode is the best way to avoid the issue. By doing so he will not know when you are online except for when you post. You can also block him from sending you messages.

He will eventually move on.

Keep in mind, not everyone can handle "good pu$$y".....So you have to be careful who you give it to...............LOL