CK's get togethers vs the events I have staged in the past....

Whispers's Avatar
I'm a bit tired of these comparisons and comments regarding the way I stage the events I do....

By all appearances,ck1942 does a stellar job on the gatherings he puts together.No specifics are given on this site,and people later comment on what a lovely time they had at said event.

On the other hand,YOU splash DETAILS on a site that ANYONE can access. Originally Posted by Observing
Actually, when it comes time to have a party/get together I have handled it in a fashion much safer for everyone then I believe CK does..... Your statement is confusing the posting of collection spots for the fundraiser with the actual parties and events I host.....

For example.....

a) CK draws consistent attention day in and out to the specific days he is hosting one of his parties....

I simply post that a get together is being planned and the date and time of the event is never posted on this site.

b) CK and supporters make a point in explanation that only active members with recent vouches are eligible to attend..... That the parties are staged for men to be able to meet the whores......

The ones I have staged are done so for the men.... they are designed for like minded individuals to get together and discuss things of mutual interest..... Whores are not given an invitation......Men are allowed to ask for permission to invite one and if approved do so but the number of whores in attendance is always limited.....

c) CK has confirmed that it is not unsual for business to get discussed at the parties and supports the concept.... He acknowledges that women and men might arrive separately and come to an arrangement and leave together.....

I am adamantly against ANY business being discussed at an event I organize. The man that asks to sponsor a women in attendance is responsible for her behavior and any hint of business being discussed results in him being told he needs to take her and leave. Women in attendance are required to arrive with the man sponsoring them and leave with the same man so that no hint of impropriety can be assumed.

That is relaxed and handled differently at the past Christmas Parties.

d) Many of CK's parties are themed and highly sexual in nature as discussed afterwards.....

I maintain a simple dress code and standard of behavior to dissuade any lewd actions..... Over the course of 5 years I only dealt with one issue.

So please explain to me again which one is a bigger target for unsolicited attention?

A collection of whores coached to dress provocatively soliciting business from johns, brought together in one location where the host is OK with business getting discussed, arrangements made and pairs leaving to do their deeds and review it for us later?


A group of like minded individuals getting together in a place where they might hang out at any time, with a small ration of women in attendance that are required to dress appropriately, come with a guy and are required to leave with a guy where any talk of business is prohibited?

Perhaps your knowledge does not contain the fact that CK was the host of the Houston Christmas party that was raided leading to a few arrests and faces splashed in the news and on TV a few years back.....

I've definitely organized far less events than CK but we've never seen a problem at any of them.......... It's a known fact that a couple of the guys that attended a few of them WERE local LE that happened to be friends of one of the guys..... As we were doing noting to be concerned with it was not a problem and they had similar interests as we did....

In regards to future events...... I think it's only a matter of time before another party makes headline news and the media blows up with pictures and stories......

How they are operated will most definitely play a factor in what goes down when it happens.....
gfejunkie's Avatar
Sounds more like a meeting of the "He-man Women Haters Club"...

Or a big circle-jerk. No thanks. I'd rather meet the ladies.

I don't recall ever hearing about ck deploying a mole to out people in attendance to those who aren't even on the invite list either. Care to elaborate? Enquiring minds, ya know?

BTW, "nothing" usually has an "H" in it. Your keyboard seems to have a malfunction. Or is that a product of late night impaired posting?
Sounds more like a meeting of the "He-man Women Haters Club".

Or a big circle-jerk. No thanks. I'd rather meet the ladies.

I don't recall ever hearing about ck deploying a mole to out people in attendance to those who aren't even on the invite list either. Care to elaborate? Enquiring minds, ya know?

BTW, "nothing" usually has an "H" in it. Your keyboard seems to have a malfunction. Or is that a product of late night impaired posting? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

CK is a wonderful PERSON no one can compare to him!
Why would one compare himself to CK? ... Seriously!!!!
Mongers in competition POPCORN PLEASE
chicagoboy's Avatar
In regards to future events...... I think it's only a matter of time before another party makes headline news and the media blows up with pictures and stories......

How they are operated will most definitely play a factor in what goes down when it happens..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Let CDB (not to be confused with cb, CD, CB or LD's BBC) handle security.
Whispers's Avatar
Ya think?
ck1942's Avatar
Please, zero apologies from me on the way I try to give back to the community, but not take from it.

Everybody on the invite list understands the several risks involved in attending. And agrees to abide by the event rules. Every invitee is vouched in several ways, both gents and ladies. And continually re-vouched as well. I make no apology for that process. It is what it is and it has worked since 2002.

Yes, the events are "marketing opportunities" in nature and I have never denied that. I use it as a sales pitch to most ladies and to the gents, too.

Fact of the matter, more than a few gents sometimes are also marketing themselves to the ladies.

Consider an AA (or other race or mixed race) gent meeting a lady whose ads and websites say "No AA's." Followed possibly after only a single face-to-face (or more likely several) with a "bingo!" and a subsequent meeting of the minds and conjoining of the torsos.

Or, think of a "lady of size, or of age, or of color, or of body or face, etc." meeting face-to-face with a gent (of size or age or whatever) who may have had doubts prior to the face-to-face.

Or of a gent with an obvious physical disability meeting with a lady who may earlier have had doubts about their potential "compatibility."

I won't cite chapters or verses and all anyone has to do is read the subsequent reviews to see what I am saying.

= = = = =

As for the Houston event in December 2009 -- please get your facts straight and since you weren't there and I was here's the truth.

Yes, almost six years ago, the principal organizers and hosts learned not to entrust admission to the venue owners who yielded to vice threatening their liquor license. Bear in mid that at the time there was an election ahead and police chief knew the lesbian female running for mayor was going to win and fire his ass. She did win, btw, and he resigned.

That chief's ass, btw, in his previous position as Phoenix (AZ) chief, cost that city mega bucks for busting the gay sex clubs when the city lost in federal court and in the federal appeals court (and denied further appeal by the Supremes) on the clubs' First Amendment discrimination suit!

Of the more than 150 people who attended the Houston event

-- where the event rules were very well in place, but obviously not followed by a handful of attendees --

and of the 125 or so who were present at the near closing time raid,

15 people (none of whom were hosts/hostesses) were separated from the crowd, gathered at the dj's booth and handed clipboards and forced to show their i.d.'s

-- and of those 15, 12 were transported for various "immediate" violations and previous traffic citations unpaid.

Obviously the *** officers present thought the "perps" had violated the prostitution laws.

Fact of the matter, most of the cases were dismissed.

But the damage was done and it took a couple of years before any further events were started in Houston, but those organizers finally decided to stop due to whatever reasons they had.

*** btw, all of the officers were very respectful, very considerate to not immediately shove all the non-offenders out the door, but allowed those with bar tabs to close out. The major impression I had of the officers was that the bust was a waste of their time and the city's overtime pay. And I got that from a conversation with a supervisor. The assistant city attorney there looked almost bored to tears.

= = = = =

As for the OP's

In regards to future events...... I think it's only a matter of time before another party makes headline news and the media blows up with pictures and stories......

How they are operated will most definitely play a factor in what goes down when it happens.....

Think what you want and run your events the way you feel they are best run.

Perhaps you should consider you start soliciting the ladies to donate time for your fund raiser you should call them out for being the WHORES you see them as since you seem to enjoy using that term in your frequent posts and threads.

= = = = =

That's why we never ever before did (other than Houston events) and still don't do events the way we ended up with any venue running admissions in Houston. Why we didn't do Houston the way we had done them in other cities was a lapse in judgment, plain and simple. We got careless there with picking a new venue after several years of successfully using other venues. But, considering that

none of the hundreds of events ever organized since 2002 in Austin or San Antonio or elsewhere has ever had any "Houston type issues" and, considering that

Since December 2009, there have been continuing events

more than 150 of them in fact

in Austin, College Station, Corpus Christi, Temple, San Antonio and elsewhere of varying sizes, shapes and manner with zero incidents and with venues continuing to request our custom ...

let the facts speak for themselves!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I think cks socials are great. I have been to many of them and im very happy there's a south side one finally. Also I have one of his cards with me whenever I travel and show it at other meet and greets. Everyone has a great laugh and conversion starts up. All my thanks ck for a great job.
Reincarnated's Avatar
I cant remember the last time the actual socials had anything sexual going on in many years and that was only when it was at adult private clubs in another city and one hell of a party barge party in the ASPD days. I have been to all of them except 2 when I was recovering from heart surgery in the past 10 years.
pyramider's Avatar
Didn't the Houston fiasco have HPD vice present?
playingnthedark's Avatar
CK, thanks for hosting your events. I for one enjoy going to them. Its like everything else associated with the hobby, there are risk. In my opinion, you don't have to justify your events to Whispers or anyone else on this board.
Precious_b's Avatar
I like how the OP states how another person events goes without ever attending them. Well, he may have attended one or two. I don't know.

But whoever goes to which host event. One thing should be clear to the person attending: be comfortable with your dealing and respect the host and guest at such a soiree. Took me over a decade before I went to my first one.

And on a personal note,
...."Perhaps you should consider you start soliciting the ladies to donate time for your fund raiser you should call them out for being the WHORES you see them as since you seem to enjoy using that term in your frequent posts and threads. ...."

Yeah. Kinda seems like when he wants something from them, they ain't WHORES. I don't mind him referencing them as that as long as he addresses himself as JOHN, PIDGEON, MARK, etc.

But that has never happened. I'm sure a person in a field of study of personalities or something could draw an infrence.
flanker6's Avatar
On a board where everyone's motives and integrity has been questioned from time to time, CK has consistently put together events in two cities that everyone can agree are lots if fun. It's no surprise that the support for these events continues to grow and even the year end fundraisers come together without any gimmicks or drama.. That just says it all.
Keep up the good work CK!
Here's what I've been told by a few providers who have attended both.

Ck's events seem to be about the benefit and enjoyment of the attendees period.

W's events seem to revolve around the opportunity for the host to puff up and strut about as wannabe head pimp/rooster.

Just what I've been told. I've attended neither nor would I so can not comment first hand.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-15-2015, 01:01 PM
I have never been to a social in Austin, or elsewhere. Never say the need, nor the desire. Strongly expect I never will. But this seems another example of two different events, with somewhat different purposes, that appeal to different people (likely with some overlap). I see no reason that it has to be a "one or the other" scenario. But then I have rarely worried about "winning".
I always enjoyed the events CK arranges. I was fairly new to the hobby at the time and being able to talk to both providers and other hobbyists in a friendly non-business situation was very helpful to me. The sessions I had with some of the ladies later were so much better and more comfortable for me since we already knew each other.

I look forward to getting some visits under my belt again soon so I can try and attend them again.