Are there any reasonably attractive HWP Austin Providers in the 18 to 29 year age bracket that feel the Austin Forums are too hostile for you to post in?

Whispers's Avatar
We are constantly hearing from the same old and out of shape Austin whores that Austin CoED is hostile.

They and their supporters claim that providers have been run off and cannot post freely without harassment on legitimate CoED threads or start their own.

Who are these OTHER local providers that have been run off or WOULD post here if the environment were more welcoming?

It seems all complaints originate from a handful of the local whores that are older than the most desired Age bracketed (as evidenced in the reviews we see) or are not in shape and thereby feel the need to constantly post inane shit to CoED trying to get noticed.....

Really...... Is there even ONE Provider UNDER the age of 30 even remotely INTERESTED in participating in CoED that is HWP?
You don't really expect any of the women you might have described to comment to here, do you? With your propensity to attack and belittle anyone who disagrees with you? You're funny.
There haven't been any complaints lately. Coed is nice. Looks like someone needs some attention and is using tired means to get it. Women post or don't post for a lot of different reasons. What does it matter? If it's not a conversation you enjoy having or with people with whom you don't want to have it, then leave it alone. Or, get them to post. Instead of starting the same old tired argument with you in the center as the thread, start something like, would like to hear from young, newbie providers, or whores ( up to you) about their experiences in the hobby. If you address them directly, you might have more luck.
gfejunkie's Avatar
When did the owners put an age or size limit on the ladies who can join and post here anyway?

Oh, that's right... They haven't!

I guess that means they all have just as much of a right to "post inane shit to CoED trying to get noticed" as the OP does.

Carry on.
universalenergy's Avatar
We are constantly hearing from the same old and out of shape Austin whores that Austin CoED is hostile.

We are constantly hearing from the same old and out of shape Austin Hobbiest that has created the Austin CoED to be hostile.

They and their supporters claim that providers have been run off and cannot post freely without harassment on legitimate CoED threads or start their own.

Who are these OTHER local providers that have been run off or WOULD post here if the environment were more welcoming?

It seems all complaints originate from a handful of the local HOBBIEST that are older . or are not in shape and thereby feel the need to constantly post inane shit to CoED trying to get noticed.....

Really...... Is there even ONE Provider UNDER the age of 30 even remotely INTERESTED in participating in CoED that is HWP? Originally Posted by Whispers
HWP is a requirement to post in Co-Ed ok. Then let use be equal.
Take a picture of yourself and the only thing that can be photoshoped is face and any identifing tattoos or birth marks ETC, We do not want anybody outed. Also use a scale and take a picture of your weight and show your height. If you do not have a healthy BMI ....Then you can not post in Co-Ed.

I dont care who post but the standards should apply to everybody Provider and Hobbiest.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2015, 11:12 AM
"Would all of you who fell too threatened to post here please post here."

nuglet's Avatar
We are constantly hearing from the same old and out of shape Austin whores that Austin CoED is hostile.

They and their supporters claim that providers have been run off and cannot post freely without harassment on legitimate CoED threads or start their own.

Who are these OTHER local providers that have been run off or WOULD post here if the environment were more welcoming?

It seems all complaints originate from a handful of the local whores that are older than the most desired Age bracketed (as evidenced in the reviews we see) or are not in shape and thereby feel the need to constantly post inane shit to CoED trying to get noticed.....

Really...... Is there even ONE Provider UNDER the age of 30 even remotely INTERESTED in participating in CoED that is HWP? Originally Posted by Whispers

Why would you care? You constantly state you have your own stable of whores, and don't patronize any of the ladies here. You only degrade, berate and chest pound about the "beauties" you own, or support. What's it to you Whispers? Go back to your own playground and STFU.!
...Austin whores...

....that providers have been run off...

...local providers that have been run off

...the local whores...

...even ONE Provider Originally Posted by Whispers
Did you take the hypocritic oath?
Whispers's Avatar
Why would you care? You constantly state you have your own stable of whores, and don't patronize any of the ladies here. You only degrade, berate and chest pound about the "beauties" you own, or support. What's it to you Whispers? Go back to your own playground and STFU.! Originally Posted by nuglet

I don't spend time or money on any of these old and/or fat whores that are constantly here whining.....

What's it to me?

I think it's important that others see them in the proper light as well as the PWs that support them and it's not hard to do so.....
Yes there might be but there not wanting a severely obese old guy fucking with them.. Not to mention god forbid they pots you of and try to ruin there name on here.
nuglet's Avatar

I don't spend time or money on any of these old and/or fat whores that are constantly here whining.....

What's it to me?

I think it's important that others see them in the proper light as well as the PWs that support them and it's not hard to do so..... Originally Posted by Whispers

That explains a lot.. Seems someone had a DADDY complex. Even if it's none of your business, you feel the need to control.. interesting.. barely.
Bobave's Avatar
Even if it's none of your business, you feel the need to control... Originally Posted by nuglet
- nailed it
+1 very true, it seems like he has no control of his real life so he tries to take control here it's a control complex maybe a little man complex,Napoleon complex maybe just a little lmfao
My money is on Gravy Boat of Luv theme from Ms V.
We are constantly hearing from the same old and out of shape Austin whores that Austin CoED is hostile.

They and their supporters claim that providers have been run off and cannot post freely without harassment on legitimate CoED threads or start their own.

Who are these OTHER local providers that have been run off or WOULD post here if the environment were more welcoming?

It seems all complaints originate from a handful of the local whores that are older than the most desired Age bracketed (as evidenced in the reviews we see) or are not in shape and thereby feel the need to constantly post inane shit to CoED trying to get noticed.....

Really...... Is there even ONE Provider UNDER the age of 30 even remotely INTERESTED in participating in CoED that is HWP? Originally Posted by Whispers
".....same old and out of shape Austin whores......"

"...are not in shape..."

Set an early morning meet-up with 'em at Town Lake Hike & Bike Trail for a run/walk/waddle, and let 'em show you who is "out of shape"......
I bet they'd do it free of charge just to watch you collapse into a heaving pile of quivering misogynistic slop.