Suggestions or help...

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Does anyone have any suggestions or can anyone help relieve migraines?

I've been dealing with a horrible migraine most of the day. Excedrin migraine isn't helping and a nap only took the edge off.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Sometimes it helps me to take a hot bath or mediate in a quiet dark environment
Darken the room, and go to bed. When Excedrin Migraine fails, sleep is too often the only remedy.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It would be easier if I had someone to cuddle up to.
knotty man's Avatar
you have a migraine on a Saturday night?
damn!! when did you get married ?
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I haven't felt this bad since I was married.
knotty man's Avatar
just remember, it could always be worse.
atleast youre not a siamese twin attached to a gay brother, who has a date tonight, and you got the only asshole!!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Knotty, you are hilarious.
That...................would certainly be worse. 😁
I have been told that if you take two acetaminophen and two ibuprofen at the same time will act the same as an opiate with out the side effect. My eye surgeon told me to take it for pain after an eye surgery. They said they use it for what you are facing.
All the above and cut out sugars. Go gluten free for a few days.
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Make sure you are hydrated, maybe aspire. And NyQuil which will help you fall asleep
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I heard Dickin's Cider works also.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I woke up feeling much better this morning. And frisky as hell.
And nobody even recommended the one cure that works if it hasn't reached the nauseous phase.
I usually take the excedrin migraine if caught if I get the aura. If I can catch them at the onset, sex with a good orgasm is a temporary fix. LOL
That was the Cap'n's suggestion.