Dell needs you back! I have had several people I know have issues with their Dell PC's! Never had an issue with my gateways....
Originally Posted by sixxbach
ON TOPIC (slightly): Well, less we have a thread started that spreads another rumor about Old Sarge, I did not mean to imply that I ever worked for Dell.....
My personal computer experience goes back to the 80's. My computer certifications go back to 1993.... my last Dell certifications (PowerEdge Server, Inspiron Laptop, Lattitude Laptop, Optiplex Desktop and PrecisionWorkstation) were completed in 2002....
(NEAR THREAD HIJACK) I got these certifications while in the Army and running some rather large networks.... my training, experience and positions, required the security clearance investigators to ask specific questions of me with respect to hacking/cracking and certain other computer I said, in a life long ago and far away....
All before I started scrubbing toilets for felons, covering up for "providers who know mods", persecuting hobbyists, banning whackos and generally being "too fuckin nice and polite."
Jeez, if only certain three letter agencies could see me now......
If you can help send me a message.
Originally Posted by Sexy Brittany Love
Please shoot the lady a PM if you can help....
Respectfully submitted,