No Gays, No Sodomy, No Strip Clubs

smokeswithwolves's Avatar
The Texas GOP released their platform over the weekend. Standard and predictable for the most part:

the actual platform:

The relevant parts for this community:
We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.
Although originally targeting gay men, sodomy under US law eventually encompassed all anal and oral sex. Hot grl-on-grl doubles action would also be illegal under the family values section.

We urge more stringent legislation to prohibit all pornography including virtual pornography and operation of sexually–oriented businesses. We oppose the sale of “Not Rated” (NR) movies and video games to minors.
Yes, that would be strip clubs.
actionjackson647's Avatar
so much for being the party of personal freedom
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
How ridiculous. War, corrupt government, senseless spending and a total disconnect from reality in our education system aren't the problems facing this country. It all those damned happy couples having hot sex.

The best things the GOP could possibly try to promote these days are fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility and limited, effective government. Trying to legally restrict the sexual activities of adults by founding policy on a religion-based value system isn't only short-sighted and ineffectual, it's (dare I say it?) un-American.
Should we just skip to post number 78 in this thread where we start calling each other names, insulting each other's political parties and ultimately blaming it all on COF?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-22-2010, 09:11 AM
Too bad Mark Foley, David Vitter, Larry Craig or Mark Sanford haven't moved to Texas to lead the GOP. Those guys know how to have a good time.
Should we just skip to post number 78 in this thread where we start calling each other names, insulting each other's political parties and ultimately blaming it all on COF? Originally Posted by down41
Hopefully not, but they seem to go that way lately don't they!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-22-2010, 09:33 AM
I can understand why Capital One Financial generates that sort of animosity. Those fucking commercials are annoying.
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
How ridiculous. War, corrupt government, senseless spending and a total disconnect from reality in our education system aren't the problems facing this country. It all those damned happy couples having hot sex.

The best things the GOP could possibly try to promote these days are fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility and limited, effective government. Trying to legally restrict the sexual activities of adults by founding policy on a religion-based value system isn't only short-sighted and ineffectual, it's (dare I say it?) un-American. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
I'm sure that George Washington, who stood tall in that iconic crossing of the Delaware painting mainly because of the butt plug he had in at the time, would agree with you. And don't even get me started on Benj Franklin, that crazy bastard.

Should we just skip to post number 78 in this thread where we start calling each other names, insulting each other's political parties and ultimately blaming it all on COF? Originally Posted by down41
Yup, just realized that. I've been up since 430am so didn't think straight. Original intent was not to start a heated political debate (though that cat may be out of the bag).

Instead, I read the proposal and thought "So if they get their way, going greek on a gal at a strip club while she DATY on another gal would be illegal in about 5 different ways." And that's just wrong. It's just wrong!!
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Too bad Mark Foley, David Vitter, Larry Craig or Mark Sanford haven't moved to Texas to lead the GOP. Those guys know how to have a good time.
Originally Posted by Carl
You can keep Foley & Craig cuz they're creepy and Sanford is completely pussywhipped. No, if I had to build my political fun team it would be Vitter, Ensign, and all those ppl in the Minerals Management Services dept who had coke fueled orgies with oil industry folk.
Jay Walker's Avatar
Did I miss something? Is SweetHeather (oxymoron I know) running for office?
whats funny is most of my friends are Republicans and NONE of them are against Titty Bars, Gays or Sodomy,,
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-22-2010, 01:38 PM
Did I miss something? Is SweetHeather (oxymoron I know) running for office? Originally Posted by Jay Walker
No, but I think she's lobbying the administration to create a cabinet post for her as Secretary of Offense.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
whats funny is most of my friends are Republicans and NONE of them are against Titty Bars, Gays or Sodomy,, Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Of course. But none of this has anything to do with real conservatism or being a Republican. It's a product of the lunacy of the religious right and their belief that we ought to control the personal lives of individuals and impose values that ought to remain in the private realm through legislation. Policy and religion both need restraining orders and shouldn't be allowed within 1000 yards of one another. Ugh.
Of course. But none of this has anything to do with real conservatism or being a Republican. It's a product of the lunacy of the religious right and their belief that we ought to control the personal lives of individuals and impose values that ought to remain in the private realm through legislation. Policy and religion both need restraining orders and shouldn't be allowed within 1000 yards of one another. Ugh. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
I agree with you, nothing makes more angry than a Zealot who tries to legislate me into their way of life!!!!

I have seen first hand a Pentecostal Preacher rob my Grandmother blind!!! Bastards!!!
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Of course. But none of this has anything to do with real conservatism or being a Republican. It's a product of the lunacy of the religious right and their belief that we ought to control the personal lives of individuals and impose values that ought to remain in the private realm through legislation. Policy and religion both need restraining orders and shouldn't be allowed within 1000 yards of one another. Ugh. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Yup. That's what gets me about the current conservative movement: the religious right (controlling what ppl do bcd, what they do to their bodies, what they say/wear/express) logically does not fit at all with the ideas of small gov't, civil liberty, and personal freedom, which were the original core tenets of conservatism. And unregulated, laissez-faire economics? That means strip clubs would be allowed to open wherever the hell they please. And offer whatever they want. And have cock fights. Both kinds.

America's Puritan heritage really does make us weirdly neurotic when it comes to sex and nudity, though. It's 100 degrees and humid as fuck: I should be allowed to wander around my backyard naked in a sombrero if I so choose.