Going back to Monterrey

epnav44's Avatar
I am going to be back in Monterrey next month.. Have the massage parlors opened up again.. Last time I was there I was shocked to see that the current mayor had closed up 90% of my Hobbying hangouts.. Does anyone have any INFO on current venues in Monterrey?
Johnny Tightlips's Avatar
I would like to know as well, I'll be there first part of next year and I'd hate to think that there will be a lack of massage parlor options.

Any other current info about agencies, clubs, etc. would be appreciated.

I know of one that is still open and kicks the shit out of all the other ones in MTY..LOL, 400$,..young nice and tight early 20's..I can show you where, but only if you are Asian or a white male, sorry not a racist..but mathematically speaking Hispanics tend to be riskier and will always try to violate the trust of this gringo...just being honest had some terrible things happen to me before..so i dont take unnecessary risks