Nympho's vs Paid Nympho's - true feelings on it

  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 05:44 AM
We all know the fake orgasm, the give you what ever you want persona most ladies give in this buisness, and for most it works Mastering the art of "Faking It" comes easy, to most

a while back a sat down and read a VERY large number of reviews and wondered a few things. like....

1. did she really enjoy this?
2. did she even care if she enjoyed it?
3. is this only a personality she puts up when she has "work"
4. what is she really like?

Now i have met a good number of the guys on this bored personally and needless to say some are great, and some are narcissists.... some are gentleman and some are intentionally jerks, but the are still those AMAZING providers or manage to, please all sides of the spectrum.

I have been hearing all the time about how NBA policies are about choice, and personal preference.... Then let me bring up a question that goes deeper the skin.... Everyone has a unique type of personality but its still a type,

Personally i can not have sex with an asshole, just period. I'd want to punch him in the face if he tried to dominate me. But there are ladies who will LITERALLY sleep with anyone as long as the fit 2 categories 1) is paying and fits 2) the right "attraction" (race, age, phenotype in general)

now i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but that seems like a bit hypocritical? does it not?

I can sit down and name about 20 providers in this area who generally love sex, but will turn you down based on personality type, no matter how much you donate. and others who will see anyone as long as they have money...

So i'm going to leave it with this note, if the hobby was free, but the boards and ads still existed, and you were already financially stable (so money was not a problem)... As a woman would you still do this? and if you did would you have the same personality you have as you do in this hobby?

i can bet you almost everyone will try to answer yes, but be honest...

before I got into the hobby, i had the same habits i carried over, balance work and sex, i would sleep with up to 2 different people a day, but no more (except the gangbangs and the day i wanted to see how many people i could sleep with between classes at UNT) and yes i would shoot a text here and there, it's how i got good at it. lol
macbeth1000's Avatar
yeaaaa cj you bring these things on to yourself. I don't know if you like the attention or the drama or what but hmmmmm yeaaaaa I will just leave it at that. No need for any feedback, I am not wanting any blowback.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm not going to ask your actual question, simply because it has many more layers to it than you are presenting. But a short version would be... if I were financially stable and the hobby were free.. I'd have to say I probably wouldn't still participate. Not because I don't enjoy sex, but because part of my life goals involve settling down into a comfortable life with someone as I get older. But on that same note, I have never claimed anywhere to be an insatiable nympho.

Now, in regards to personalities. Often times, how a gent acts in a session has some basis on the personality of the girl. Men that many girls despise and consider "assholes" are some of my favorite gents. Ze jokingly refers to this as my "protective bubble". In my sum total of time in the hobby, I've had a grand total of 2 people that I would never see again. It really takes a LOT to truly rattle my cage. Now, if someone exhibits a personality trait in communication that I find very offputting.. then I simply don't schedule with them. Being that way has undoubtedly kept me safe and sane. I'm a very happy person by nature and I have no doubt that this helps me put even the grumpy ones at ease.

I don't discriminate based on race. I don't discriminate based on age. I don't discriminate based on physical appearance. With my body type, I tend to attract an older crowd, but that isn't an absolute. The only rejections I make are people who either by their private messages to me (because board personas out in the open are a horrid indicator) or by their style of communication (a lot of "hood speak") tell me that we probably wouldn't connect on any level.

Now, as far as orgasms and the faking thereof... I am blessed in that I am hyper sensitive. Even a man with little experience is going to get a reaction out of me.. a genuine one... because I AM just that sensitive. It is a blessing
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
We all know the fake orgasm, the give you what ever you want persona most ladies give in this buisness, and for most it works Mastering the art of "Faking It" comes easy, to most

a while back a sat down and read a VERY large number of reviews and wondered a few things. like....

1. did she really enjoy this?
2. did she even care if she enjoyed it?
3. is this only a personality she puts up when she has "work"
4. what is she really like?

Now i have met a good number of the guys on this bored personally and needless to say some are great, and some are narcissists.... some are gentleman and some are intentionally jerks, but the are still those AMAZING providers or manage to, please all sides of the spectrum.

I have been hearing all the time about how NBA policies are about choice, and personal preference.... Then let me bring up a question that goes deeper the skin.... Everyone has a unique type of personality but its still a type,

#1 Personally i can not have sex with an asshole, just period. I'd want to punch him in the face if he tried to dominate me. But there are ladies who will LITERALLY sleep with anyone as long as the fit 2 categories 1) is paying and fits 2) the right "attraction" (race, age, phenotype in general)

#3 now i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but that seems like a bit hypocritical? does it not?

I can sit down and name about 20 providers in this area who generally love sex, but will turn you down based on personality type, no matter how much you donate. and others who will see anyone as long as they have money...

So i'm going to leave it with this note, if the hobby was free, but the boards and ads still existed, and you were already financially stable (so money was not a problem)... As a woman would you still do this? and if you did would you have the same personality you have as you do in this hobby?

i can bet you almost everyone will try to answer yes, but be honest...

before I got into the hobby, i had the same habits i carried over, balance work and sex, #2 i would sleep with up to 2 different people a day, but no more (except the gangbangs and the day i wanted to see how many people i could sleep with between classes at UNT) and yes i would shoot a text here and there, it's how i got good at it. lol Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess

Your own words, no one else piling on you, nobody taking shots, no trolls... pure CJ

#1 Personally i can not have sex with an asshole, just period. I'd want to punch him in the face if he tried to dominate me. But there are ladies who will LITERALLY sleep with anyone as long as the fit 2 categories 1) is paying and fits 2) the right "attraction" (race, age, phenotype in general)

#2 i would sleep with up to 2 different people a day, but no more (except the gangbangs and the day i wanted to see how many people i could sleep with between classes at UNT)

#3 now i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but that seems like a bit hypocritical? does it not?

Yes it does and very insulting to the men and ladies of this forum ..... again.
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 07:42 AM
I'm not going to ask your actual question, simply because it has many more layers to it than you are presenting. But a short version would be... if I were financially stable and the hobby were free.. I'd have to say I probably wouldn't still participate. Not because I don't enjoy sex, but because part of my life goals involve settling down into a comfortable life with someone as I get older. But on that same note, I have never claimed anywhere to be an insatiable nympho.

Now, in regards to personalities. Often times, how a gent acts in a session has some basis on the personality of the girl. Men that many girls despise and consider "assholes" are some of my favorite gents. Ze jokingly refers to this as my "protective bubble". In my sum total of time in the hobby, I've had a grand total of 2 people that I would never see again. It really takes a LOT to truly rattle my cage. Now, if someone exhibits a personality trait in communication that I find very offputting.. then I simply don't schedule with them. Being that way has undoubtedly kept me safe and sane. I'm a very happy person by nature and I have no doubt that this helps me put even the grumpy ones at ease.

I don't discriminate based on race. I don't discriminate based on age. I don't discriminate based on physical appearance. With my body type, I tend to attract an older crowd, but that isn't an absolute. The only rejections I make are people who either by their private messages to me (because board personas out in the open are a horrid indicator) or by their style of communication (a lot of "hood speak") tell me that we probably wouldn't connect on any level.

Now, as far as orgasms and the faking thereof... I am blessed in that I am hyper sensitive. Even a man with little experience is going to get a reaction out of me.. a genuine one... because I AM just that sensitive. It is a blessing Originally Posted by GracePreston
this was actually a valid answer

Your own words, no one else piling on you, nobody taking shots, no trolls... pure CJ

#1 Personally i can not have sex with an asshole, just period. I'd want to punch him in the face if he tried to dominate me. But there are ladies who will LITERALLY sleep with anyone as long as the fit 2 categories 1) is paying and fits 2) the right "attraction" (race, age, phenotype in general)

#2 i would sleep with up to 2 different people a day, but no more (except the gangbangs and the day i wanted to see how many people i could sleep with between classes at UNT)

#3 now i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but that seems like a bit hypocritical? does it not?

Yes it does and very insulting to the men and ladies of this forum ..... again. Originally Posted by thechocolatebanana
ok so don't be bland say what you mean! if the shoe fits feel insulted! but otherwise Q.Q move on, i thought you blocked me lol

and thanks for not answering the question

and thanks for proving you fit the shoe very well
FunInDFW's Avatar
I'd imagine Grace's answer will hit the majority of women here. Starting a family, being with the family you already have, and other life goals can be achieved with a high asexual desire/need and few, or even one, partner. It's convenient that the hobby can give a solution to multiple goals/desires in a nice package (hiyooooooooooo). Though if it were free, or you were financially stable, you can find the other solutions it provides elsewhere.
Yes what Grace said. I agree. The money is an alternate investment of myself. No i would not do it for free because then I would actually be investing something that truly has value.

Free -> Subjective (emotional/mental) -> Drama

Paid -> Objective (time/activities) -> No drama
Wulf - there is a huge difference between one who admits to being a sex addict and one who enjoys sex and chooses it as her career.
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 08:02 AM
I'd imagine Grace's answer will hit the majority of women here. Starting a family, being with the family you already have, and other life goals can be achieved with a high asexual desire/need and few, or even one, partner. It's convenient that the hobby can give a solution to multiple goals/desires in a nice package (hiyooooooooooo). Though if it were free, or you were financially stable, you can find its other solutions it provides elsewhere. Originally Posted by FunInDFW

hmmm maybe i'm had the definition of hobbiest wrong the whole time

i thought a hobbyiest was - someone who enjoys having sex paid and free with a group of like minded people
FunInDFW's Avatar
hmmm maybe i'm had the definition of hobbiest wrong the whole time

i thought a hobbyiest was - someone who enjoys having sex paid and free with a group of like minded people Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Yeah... You let me know when and where I can get in on some of that free sex with providers. :lol
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 08:04 AM
Wulf - there is a huge difference between one who admits to being a sex addict and one who enjoys sex and chooses it as her career. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
but sex isn't really a career???

i mean it is beneficial but i couldn't say, that my life would depend on this as i primary source of income .... i think i may actually be seeing why i seem to but heads with alot of ladies here...
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 08:06 AM
Yeah... You let me know when and where I can get in on some of that free sex with providers. :lol Originally Posted by FunInDFW
it does happen now and then, swingers clubs, etc
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 08:09 AM
Yes what Grace said. I agree. The money is an alternate investment of myself. No i would not do it for free because then I would actually be investing something that truly has value.

Free -> Subjective (emotional/mental) -> Drama

Paid -> Objective (time/activities) -> No drama Originally Posted by thathottnurse

i see stories all the time about how people have real Casual Sex on this site.... no all casual sex is dramatic

it's kinda like, her let's fuck, done GG have a good day
but sex isn't really a career???

i mean it is beneficial but i couldn't say, that my life would depend on this as i primary source of income .... i think i may actually be seeing why i seem to but heads with alot of ladies here... Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Not everyone here uses sex as their career, but your reasonings on why it can't be are just that - YOUR reasonings.
There is nothing wrong with why you are here - everyone has their own agenda.
I'm 35 and there are plenty of escorts that work well in to their older years.
I chose this as my career. When I was young I had fun with the money. As I'm getting older I'm finding a combination of fun/lifetime plans.

I think the reason that you may butt heads is because you tend to see no other way than your way.

It's best to not judge others with their decisions in life. If you do not agree a, "oh.. Sounds interesting. That's not for me, but if it works for you - that's cool." Would work better than a, "sex isn't really a career." I'm proving that opinion of yours wrong daily. It may not be suitable for you, but it is for others.

If you're truly a sex addict instead of enabling your addiction, perhaps some intense therapy may be a suggestion.