The NRA Crawls from its Hidey Hole

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Detestable rant by LaPierre. And it took him a week to issue a statement. As the leading gun lobby, why didn't NRA take the lead? Cowards!

The N.R.A. Crawls From Its Hidey Hole

Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, would have been better advised to remain wherever he had been hiding after the Newtown, Conn., massacre, rather than appear at a news conference on Friday. No one seriously believed the N.R.A. when it said it would contribute something “meaningful” to the discussion about gun violence. The organization’s very existence is predicated on the nation being torn in half over guns. Still, we were stunned by Mr. LaPierre’s mendacious, delusional, almost deranged rant.

Mr. LaPierre looked wild-eyed at times as he said the killing was the fault of the media, songwriters and singers and the people who listen to them, movie and TV scriptwriters and the people who watch their work, advocates of gun control, video game makers and video game players.

The N.R.A., which devotes itself to destroying compromise on guns, is blameless. So are unscrupulous and unlicensed dealers who sell guns to criminals, and gun makers who bankroll Mr. LaPierre so he can help them peddle ever-more-lethal, ever-more-efficient products, and politicians who kill even modest controls over guns.

His solution to the proliferation of guns, including semiautomatic rifles designed to kill people as quickly as possible, is to put more guns in more places. Mr. LaPierre would put a police officer in every school and compel teachers and principals to become armed guards.

He wants volunteer and professional firefighters, who already risk their lives every day, to be charged with thwarting an assault by a deranged murderer. The same applies to paramedics, security guards, veterans, retired police officers. “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” Mr. LaPierre said.

We cannot imagine trying to turn the principals and teachers who care for our children every day into an armed mob. And let’s be clear, civilians bristling with guns to prevent the “next Newtown” are an armed mob even with training offered up by Mr. LaPierre. Any town officials or school principals who take up the N.R.A. on that offer should be fired.

Mr. LaPierre said the Newtown killing spree “might” have been averted if the killer had been confronted by an armed security guard. It’s far more likely that there would have been a dead armed security guard — just as there would have been even more carnage if civilians had started firing weapons in the Aurora movie theater.

In the 62 mass-murder cases over 30 years examined recently by the magazine Mother Jones, not one was stopped by an armed civilian. We have known for many years that a sheriff’s deputy was at Columbine High School in 1999 and fired at one of the two killers while 11 of their 13 victims were still alive. He missed four times.

People like Mr. LaPierre want us to believe that civilians can be trained to use lethal force with cold precision in moments of fear and crisis. That requires a willful ignorance about the facts. Police officers know that firing a weapon is a huge risk; that’s why they avoid doing it. In August, New York City police officers opened fire on a gunman outside the Empire State Building. They killed him and wounded nine bystanders.

Mr. LaPierre said the news media call the semiautomatic weapon used in Newtown a machine gun, claim that it’s a military weapon and that it fires the most powerful ammunition available. That’s not true. What is true is that there is a growing call in America for stricter gun control.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That is what I have said about liberals for some time. They just cannot see the line between decency and indecency. This is aptly demonstrated by Whatzup. We all fly our flags at half mast and refrain from speaking ill of the dead for a time. Even Hollywood has people to help them "get it" and has postponed some movies and changed some scenes. But your hard core, unthinking, uncaring liberal can't even understand a period of silence for the dead. We saw this same thing on ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, and in the press room of the White House. They just can't let an opportunity pass like Rahmbo said "Never let a crisis go to waste."

Whatzup you really have nothing to contribute to this discussion. You have lied above and demonstrate the same sincerity that the Oval Office has shown.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm simply sharing an opinion that differs from yours. If you were a patriot, you'd respect that. I seriously doubt the NRAA was observing a week of silence for the dead. They were probably polling their faithful. shit, they don't respect the dead. They promote making them!

BTW ... Please link to the lies. You're delusional and intellectually bankrupt. Prove your slander. If you're right, I'll admit it. If not, you won't have the balls to post it.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
That is what I have said about liberals for some time. They just cannot see the line between decency and indecency. This is aptly demonstrated by Whatzup. We all fly our flags at half mast and refrain from speaking ill of the dead for a time. Even Hollywood has people to help them "get it" and has postponed some movies and changed some scenes. But your hard core, unthinking, uncaring liberal can't even understand a period of silence for the dead. We saw this same thing on ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, and in the press room of the White House. They just can't let an opportunity pass like Rahmbo said "Never let a crisis go to waste."

Whatzup you really have nothing to contribute to this discussion. You have lied above and demonstrate the same sincerity that the Oval Office has shown. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Assup why don't you post a story that tells how Hollywood brainwashes our kids and desensitizes them to violence with their movies?

And while your at it why dont you tell us that they also donate to Democrats 4 times as much money as the NRA does to it's candidates.

You're fool and a hack Assup.. COG is really do have nothing.

You should change your avatar to this..

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You were not sharing an opinion, you were making an ad hominem attack because of your ignorance and bias. Own up to what you did and maybe, just maybe you might grow up to be a man someday.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I was quoting an editorial that I liked reading. I have no interest in linking to a tea puke, Anti-Semitic attack on "Hollywood." Why don't you take some initiative Lama and carry the water for your hate mob.

Im not sure I understand this... You don't seem have an argument with the editorial, but are happier to attack "liberals" and " the media."

That's rich!

Ignorant, bitter fucks. No wonder the majority of America rejected your bullshit in November. And why the Republican Congressional delegation is in total disarray.

Get your shit together, or eat mine!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who sounds the most ignorant and bitter in this thread? Could it be . . . Hmmm . . .


Yeah, that's the one!

<<< Assup // Everyone else >>>
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see he didn't challenge my assertions. I guess his widdle tummy hurts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what assertions? You're a fool. The burden of proof is with the affirmative. I quoted an editorial. I commented on the editorial. You shat on the post. Now I've got to defend myself from your fecal onslaught? Im supposed to argue what?

I think your widdle ass hurts.

Get a fucking life, idiot.
what assertions? You're a fool. The burden of proof is with the affirmative. I quoted an editorial. I commented on the editorial. You shat on the post. Now I've got to defend myself from your fecal onslaught? I'm supposed to argue what?

I think your widdle ass hurts.

Get a fucking life, idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
+ 1000

What about a knife, a bat, an ax, a tire iron, a 2x4, a vehicle moving at 30mph (or more), a frying pan, a rope, a plastic bag, a hammer, a screwdriver...?? I could go on for days. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

Headline News:

Plastic Dry Cleaning Bags Used to Kill 20 More
School Children In Parallel Bizarro World Universe

Deranged Dry Cleaner Holds SWAT Team at Bay With Coat Hangers

Wayne La Pierre Suggests Enveloping Schools With Plastic Bags to

Keep Children Safe From Crazies Who Watch Violent Movies About
Murders Using Plastic Dry Cleaning Bags.

What a board full of stupid Teapublican Fuckers
Originally Posted by Little Stevie