Let's go over the fucking cliff

Yes, that's right. We sent another bunch of 8-year olds to do the work of adults and now we're getting what we voted for, so let's go over the fucking cliff. Nothing wrong with lowering spending across the board and increasing revenues. At the end of the day, both GOP and Dems signed the cliff deal and didn't do shit to change anything.

If you're an American and are not pissed off, than you must not be breathing.
SEE3772's Avatar
ZZzzzZZZ ...ZZZzzzZZZ ...ZZzzzZZ

A side show distraction from the real financial issues...
intldjgig's Avatar
Being pissed off about our representatives' inability to govern and lead does not justify adopting a reckless and destructive policy stance simply in the name of doing "something". In other words, being pissed off at women for refusing to blow you shouldn't lead you to cut off your own junk.
Gotyour6's Avatar
We need a reset.