Wanted: Photographer in Austin.

Hello Everyone,

We are looking for a professional photographer with experience doing glamor and escort images in Austin. We would prefer someone who has a studio, wardrobe and makeup artist available. We're looking for some nice images to be taken for a showcase, as well as for the website that we're having built. We're not looking for amateurs or novices, please respond only if you are experienced, well established in the community, have a gallery to show us, a professional website, and wardrobe, makeup and props. We seek someone whose services will be paid for, not a service-for-service trade. We're looking for someone whom we can speak with over the phone and in person, not play PM or email tag with. If you're available, or can book a photo session, send me a private message to inform of your availability and phone number, and I will contact you. Someone with both indoor and outdoor experience is preferred.
ShawnRoxy's Avatar
Hello - we've sent you a message and believe we can meet your needs.
Sent you a PM with a recommendation for a photographer I've worked with several times in Austin.