Let this sink comrades

oilfieldace's Avatar
You appoint a Special Council who was part and parcel to H Bidens sweetheart deal as the man to look into the H Biden probe. You can’t be fucking serious. That shields Weiss from answering any questions. This my valued posters visit banana republic corruption at its pinnacle
oilfieldace's Avatar
They have already tied Trump to the court through Super Tuesday, these scum are lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump created it.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Sure he did
oilfieldace's Avatar

David Weiss does not check any of those boxes.

Being an unbiased candidate is of course subjective, however , he clearly is an employee of the Federal Government.

I still can’t get over him being the one that brokered the stay out of jail free card for Hunter Biden, and you appoint him to I conduct a probe into the corrupt Hunter. You just can’t make this shit up.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump creates it so he can play the victim card.
oilfieldace's Avatar
How about once in your life have something to say that vaguely talks about the topic.

Only a complete moron does not see the banana republic being put on the forefront.

First , David Weiss does not meet the requirements to appointed as Special Council. This is all done to cover up the corrupt dealings of the Biden Crime Family. Fortunately not all Americans have their head in the sand.

There are supposed to be three branches of the Government, today there are only two, Biden and the corrupt DOJ have commingled.

Hire someone who is fair and impartial, not one who has already proved he only has the BCF as clients.