little johhny at it again

One day a teacher was trying to teach her class good manners. She asks her students the following question:\

Michael, if u were on a date having dinner with a young lady, how would u tell her u needed to go to the bathroom? Michael says: just a minute I have to go pee. The teacher response: that's rude n impolite. What bout u Sherman what would u say. Sherman says: I'm sorry I really need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back. The teacher says: that's better but still not very nice to say at the dinner table. What bout u little johnny, can u show us ur good manners? Little Johnny says: darling please excuse me for a moment, I have to shake hands with a close friend of mine whom I hope to introduce u to after dinner.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I just chocked on my pickle.......
I just chocked on my pickle....... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Would have been more fun choking on someone elses Pickle!!
Good one Ref---
austinkboy's Avatar

I am going to scribble this on my arm and use the line at my next date!