Baby Driver - what did you think?

OK, I LOVE my sci-fi more than anything, and of course comedies and action. I just love movies. Saw Baby Driver last night and it was SO FREAKING GOOD!

The timing of the shots and motions to the amazing soundtrack was just so spot on.

Hardly 5 minutes go by without music.

Wondering how they get some of their shots with the driving is just mind blowing. I WANT TO DRIVE LIKE BABY!

If you saw it, what did you think about it?
If you are thinking about seeing it - don't wait to see it on your TV unless you just have a bomb ass tv and kodi on a firestick.

It is ABSOLUTELY worth the trouble of going to the theatre. I suggest a "reserve your seat ahead of time" place. I went to a typical amc and some nut job beotch in the front row was on her phone the entire time. But the movie was just so good no one got up to tell. I should have yelled out, "GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE". Shoulda, woulda, coulda...
It wasn't my favorite! I was a little reluctant after initially seeing the trailer, but I kept an open mind and saw it in the theater. The soundtrack was amazing, but beside that, nothing really stood out! I don't think the movie turned out nearly as 'cool' as they are hoping. The script seemed forced, banal even. Something was missing for me.

Then again, after seeing all of the positive reviews, my expectations may've been a tad high lol. ����
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
I found it thoroughly enjoyable. The soundtrack really is wonderful and goes well with the movie. They pull off a lot of great shots and it really does work well with some of the different personalities that they have going on. It had a lot of good comedic parts to it too. Edgar Wright can be a tough one to handle for some but I thought he did really well here. I was really hoping for a scene with Jon Hamm, Jon Bernthal, and Jamie Foxx, but it didn't happen, and all I got was 2 out of 3. I don't expect everyone to think it's great, but I could probably watch this one a lot more times and keep enjoying it.
Ronin3's Avatar
It was decent. Not the best, and certainly far from the worst I've seen this year. I think the cast, and soundtrack, made it better than it might have been otherwise. Waiting for Valerian. Think it's going to break records
silverstate53's Avatar
Just another building block in the crap pile hollywood has been creating for years now !! Sorry angie nothing personal darling !!
I didn't take it personal. WALDT.

I actually meant to put this thread in the Dallas sandbox, but it's fine here too.

My friend I went to see it with really enjoyed it. As did I, but I took my youngest son to see the Mummy with us, and I just should have shown him the original at home. I don't want him thinking THAT was what the Mummy should have been like.